• 10 I want your Daughter

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Chapter • 10

The beautiful Edit above is by aarya_wadekar


Abir's POV

Just then, an idea popped in my mind.

"Who was she?" I asked Mr. Sharma with an arrogant tone.

"S-s-s-h-he-" he spoke stammering which broke my patience.

I stood up and punched the table in front of me angrily making it have a very huge crack.

Mr. And Mrs Sharma stood shivering.

"WHO WAS SHE? WHAT RELATION DO YOU HAVE WITH HER?!" I said in a much more high pitch.

"S-h-e wa-s - my - my da-u-ghter." He said once again shivering.

I smirked hearing that.
I know how to get my money back.
I smile evilly, and stood up.

"Mrs Sharma." I said indicating her to leave.
But, in a less arrogant voice.
My mom, always wanted me to respect women, although I don't do that so.
But I can try to respect the elderly at least.
Until they get into my nerves.

She didn't say anything or moved, but just turned her face towards her husband asking him, or I don't know... Saying something.

Or maybe thinking it's his last few minutes on earth.

He nodded slightly to her, she wiped something from her face, oh tears.
And left.

Leaving me, Ansh and Mr. Sharma, as I already ordered my men to go outside.

"Ye-s si-rr" he said with his gaze down on the floor.

"I'll forgive you." I said and suddenly his face lit up and turned up.

"Thank-" before he could speak, I cut him off.

"I want your daughter."

"You-u- w-ann-t wwha-t" he said being extremely shocked while once again I smirked.

"I WANT YOUR DAUGHTER, IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY TO BE KILLED." I shouted on the top of my lungs making him flinch, while Ansh seemed shocked too!
Because of me wanting a girl, I guess.
But how could someone resist her.
The epitome of beauty.
Plus, I want to take my revenge for TRYING TO SLAP ME.
Which she couldn't.
But still.

"Sir, p-ple-ease" he said and fell on his knees and begun crying.

I am used to this emotional drama.
It's there trick.
After all he knows that too, he has been a part of this mafia.

I didn't waste any more of my time and pulled my gun out, and directly pointed towards the kitchen, where his wife was.

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