a lost part, found.

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Strange, right? It's strange how someone just enters your life. Initially, you were supposed to hate them, but you can't really.
The voice that made me wanna kill, is the same voice that made me calm. The face that annoyed the shit out of me, now makes me want to adore it. The laugh I wanted to hutch forever, now had me wanting to die for. Strange, isn't it? Never in my life, I had felt this for someone but, that woman has me wrapped around her tiny fingers without even knowing. Just a few minutes back, when I saw her crying I didn't feel content, which was what I was supposed to be but I am not. I wanted to hug her, apologize for my ass behavior and wipe all her tears. Here I was, staring at the sky from my office room's window.
The door swung open and a familiar scent came into my contact.
I shifted my gaze from the glass window to the door. There stood Ansh looking furious with his hands crossed around his chest. saw it coming
"So, you did all that to her." I had nothing in my defense, I was myself tangled in my thoughts.
I shift my eyes to the ground suddenly finding it more interesting, my hands in my pocket. The only person who dared to question me was him. My brother.
I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning to the table behind me.
"I guess, you don't know the answer, yourself," He said, walking towards me, his eyes still dark filled with questions and concern. for her
He sat down just beside me and motioned me to sit as well.
"You know I want the answer from you today, you cannot just roam around with your thoughts entangled together and lash on people." He said, burning holes in my head with his stare.

That's right, I don't have the answers, the reasons, I don't know anything. All I want is just Adriti to be safe and far away from Joey's eyes. I've known Joey for years, he gets what he wants anyhow
The man who could murder his family just to get the throne over the mafia can do anything, especially to his enemies. It's not like I am scared of him or his moves, but I can't push Adriti into this whole new world. I can't
When I saw her crying in the bathroom clutching her knees to her chest, that was a point where I lost it all. All
Sometimes I feel why did I even hurt her in the first place.

"I don't know," I said lowering my tone, yet looking at the ground suddenly finding it way much more interesting than the much-needed answers.

"You like her, don't you," Ansh said, knowing I would get pissed off from this conversation again. But this time it didn't, this time I felt as I did.

I was a wanderer, untethered and lost until I found the home I've been seeking all this while in her beautiful eyes, shining bright. Light cannot live without darkness, without her unbalanced and imperfect I'll be always, but she makes me feel perfect despite the flaws to see past one's imperfection, It is not a strength.
But something else that pulls me to her,
It's care, it's comfort, it's like a human home, it's like Love or liking.
The mist of her hair,
The intoxication of her eyes pulls me like a magnet unknowingly. Maybe the fear of losing her made me insecure, made me push her away.
Everyone has that one song, that makes them cry, laugh
That brings back a wave of memories... To me, that song is her laughter for which I would go to any extent.
As I said it's strange, everything happening is just hard to wrap around my head.

"You know, there's a thing called conversation, talking to yourself won't help you." Ansh said breaking the chain of my thoughts.

"I can't risk her life" I spoke the truth, my voice breaking in between. I've never been in a dilemma like this. I can't risk her life, Joey already has his eyes laid on her thinking that we both have a connection and if she'll get hurt, I will do anything.
And that's the truth as well.

"Pushing her away from yourself won't solve anything, he has already had her in his mind, and if you push her away there are more chances of her being hurt." His words made me think about my decision again, he's right. If I distance myself from her yet, he'll get her.

"Fuck, I have messed this shit so badly" I panicked realizing that none of my deeds justified her protection.

"She doesn't deserve this, neither you labeling her as sold nor this behavior of yours. An angel like her never deserved any atrocities. Now that you've been the cause of her being in danger, you cannot just push her away." Ansh said, eyes darkened and filled with concern for his sister - like Adriti.

"I am sorry." That's all my mouth could spill right now. I've caused her enough trouble, and I have to be with her and protect her from everything that could hurt her. I'll die for the smile and innocence on her face. I swear.

"It's crazy how she has you whipped over her." Basant said, choking on his laugh. While I just glared at him.
he's right, tho

Just before I was about to hit him for his true statement, the door opened, revealing one of my men with an agitated expression.

"Sir, Adriti ma'am has been found bleeding extremely in the bathroom, seems like she has tried to harm herself." That was all I heard before I found myself in front of our room. Everything was blood.


Hey lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. I am so sorry for not updating since October 2021, a very happy belated new year! All the messages, comments I've been constantly getting are so overwhelming. Thank you so much for the constant support. I am really not sure when I'll be updating again, but I promise I'll soon <3

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