• 24 Unknown feelings?

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Chapter • 24

Adriti's POV

I opened my eyes as I didn't felt anything coming from him.

Wait... What if he's having a gun loaded.

As I opened my eyes met with his Hazel green one's...

He was already staring at me not without his signature smirk.

I stared his eyes, and he did in mine too.
Well, you can say it was an eye lock.

He moved closer, shit.

Aage se marega.

I was about to plan my pre-funereal, but got the distracted feeling of someone tickling me.


I starting laughing while Abir just tickled me and held my waist, swirling me making me laugh more.

After a great good session of getting tickled, I finally gave up.
My stomach was hurting like hell due to laughing like an idiot.

As soon as he left me, I jumped on the bed, and took a deep breath.

Seems strange right?

I am in a Mafia Leader's place and I am having fun like an idiot.

By this time I can see Abir looking at me with a smile on his face.

Well, this man smiled often now.

"I guess, you got your revenge." I said and pulled myself up still sitting on the bed.

"Yeah." He said once again in his old cold voice and left towards the bathroom.

What's wrong with this man?

At one moment he is nice and the other he is rude and an arrogant jerk.

Is he on his man periods or what?

Mood swings is Devta! I huffed in disappointment and laid on the bed,
I closed my eyes for awhile and my mind began to rewind today's happenings.

I felt my cheeks heating up.

Uggghhh I don't know why the hell am I blushing?!!!

But, somewhere I felt happy.

Happy spending that time.

I don't know myself too.

The bathroom's door opened,making me open my eyes too.


My eyes wandered around Abir's bare chest.

He had a towel wrapped around his waist only.

He's so damn Hot!
His structure is just -

Before I could think anymore, I heard a deep chuckle.

I quickly tore my eyes away from his body and looked around the room.

A blush appeared on my face, as I've been once again caught while staring him.

"Like what you see?" Abir said and came near the bed.

Please don't come near!
I won't be able to control my hormones!!!!!

I took deep breaths in order to let my hormone thoughts away.

Abir's POV

I walked towards her, while she stepped back.
We continued doing this *you step back and I step forward* thing for a while until the wall stopped her.

I smirked and she shut her eyes not knowing what will happen.
I am damn sure, she would be thinking I will harm her.

I will never do that.

I got closer to her and slowly made my hands reach her waist.
Her eyes opened after not feeling anything,
Her eyes met mine.

God, she is just so pretty!! I can just see her for my entire life.

What the hell am I thinking.

I started tickling her and she began to laugh loud.
I picked her up by her waist and swirled her.

The room was chirped with her laughter.
While a smile made its way on my lips.

I tickled her until she gave up.

This is the very first time I have smiled heartily after years.

This girl just makes me feel so good!

The way she squealed and laughed made my heart chirp.

Made it feed happy.

Made it feel something I don't know...

Although it has been only a few days
since I know her, yet I feel so connected to her in just a couple of meets.

To be continued...


Sorry for this very short chapter, it is written in a hurry.
I'll be uploading another part soon, so don't be mad at me! Heheh.
My school has been giving a lot of works since a few days that made me realize I am I have to complete it too.

Take care❤

*plus, plus, plus. Mallika viewed my story which had her edit yesterday!!!! ❤*

I don't know what happened in the previous part, as you guys weren't able to comment.
But I republished it later. Thank you for supporting ❤

Best comment on the previous part ~



Take care, wear a mask and be safe ❤

M. ✨

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