• 36 Got Guts?

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Chapter • 36

Sorry for not updating since a while :(

Adriti's POV

"I thought you changed, but you-" before I could complete my sentence I found him gripping my forearm harshly and dragging me forcefully.



My forearm has turned completely red with his harsh grip.
I kept telling him to let go of me, but all I got was silence in answer.
My body was feeling as if, it would give up any second.

"ABIR!!!! ABIR.... A-BIR LE-AVE ME-" I choked on my words, as tears of not pain but being hurt emotionally...
Feeling as if someone has broken my heart in several pieces.
I a hurt-
The physical bruises doesn't matter,
But the ones he has given me on my heart-

"ABIRRR!" By this time we have already reached the dining area....
Everyone around was just watching us silently.
Not daring, to look up and meet Abir's eyes.....

All the servants around were silently watching all this too....

Reaching in between of the area, Abir let go of my hand with a jerk.
Making me stumble on my steps and falling on the floor harshly.

My anger has reached its peak
I looked up to meet his eyes with mine who were bloodshot with constant tears, while his were cold, Ruthless and something I don't know-

"GOT GUTS TO LOOK UP AT ME?" He said breaking the silence from the entire house.
I didn't say anything making him madder as he looked frustrated with that action of mine.

"I SAID SOMETHING!" He screamed making all most everyone in the house flinch including me.

"And I SAID YES, YES FUCKING YESS!" The anger in me busted as I couldn't hold it anymore.

"DARE TO SCREAM AT ME?" He said in a dangerous tone and started stepping forward me.

I mentally prepared myself to be ready for some bruises.

I closed my eyes in fear as his figure approached towards me more.

But I didn't feel anything....
Am I dead?
I opened my eyes only to find Shree stopping Abir to come any closer with stumbling hands.
While Abir, stood there... Speaking nothing.

"P-please forg-give h-her, sh-e h-as jus-t re-ecov-ered. S-he is-s s-o yo-ung."
Shree said, hesitatingly and with fear.

While Abir just remained quiet and maintained that rude face.

He pushed Shree off him making her fall on the floor making me flinch all of the sudden....

"DO NOT FUCKING ORDER ME TO DO ANYTHING! GOT IT?" Abir screamed on the top of his lungs.
Once again, Abir was about to come towards me, fear striked in my mind...

"P-please si-r" a voice interrupted him again, turns out be of Shree's who was shaking with fear...

Abir's temper was gone, as much as I could see....

Shree shouldn't have done that.

Abir looked back at her and then me.
I don't know what's going inside his mind...
He looked in between us and a smirk appeared over his face scaring the shit out of me.

He turned towards Shree and did pointed something to one of his men with his fingers.

I am so hell clueless of what's happening...
All I could notice is Shree being hell scared, as she knows what's gonna happen next...

"Shree- you shouldn't have done that..." I whispered although everyone could hear including ABIR.

"You're like my child. I can't let anything happen to you." Shree whispered with a smile.

I lifted my head up which was down till now to meet her eyes....
Even though my mother isn't here, she makes me remind of her...

She almost risked her life for me?
For me?
A stranger?

"Shree-" before I could complete my sentence, about three women walked in.
With a perfect body, beautiful.... And kinda looked like one from the member of any Mafia.... I guess

They looked at Abir with a smirk, while he just pointed at Shree....
Making Shree's breathe fasten....

What's going on?
What the hell is going on?!

"NOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO LOSE..... ADRITI" Abir said and smirked once again.
I can't understand what the fuck is happening!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" I screamed losing all the patience I had.

"YOU'LL GET TO KNOW, Cara Mia." { my beloved in Italian.}

One of those women stepped closer to Shree and slapped across her face making me jerkly understanding what he meant....

"WILL YOU DISOBEY OUR BOSS?" Another one from them came forward ns kicked her stomach....
Shree remained quiet and just let the tears sprinkle out of her eyes.....

It's all my fault...
I can't -
I can't let this happen....

One of them, punched harshly on her face, making blood flow out...

"NO... NOO--"
Abir came beside me and whispered....
"That's what you get, when you disobey my orders.... Cara Mia" and laughed evilly....




Hey guys!
I hope you all are doing well!
Sorry for not updating, my exams ended today!!!
So here I am back!
Yesterday was such an important dayyy!

Itna saara Sumellika content! 🧿🧿🧿

MALLIKA LIKED ONE OF MY EDIT THAT SAID "they vibe so much like soulmates!" 😭✊🏻

Wanted to share so here I goo!


Take care and wear a mask ❤

M ✨

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