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𝗜 kiss me more

felix huffs, his long caramel coat jumping as his fluffy hair as he run down the sidewalk. the people giving him a clear path, trying to avoid bumping onto him. he woke up late and didn't have the time to prepare but made sure he has what he needs; phone, wallet, and duplicate house key.

he saw changbin patiently waiting at the bench of the park. once he sense the younger's presence, he stood up and smile. felix catching air to breath, his palm on his knees. he rose a hand, "i- i, uh.. woke up late. sorry for keeping you waiting, hyung."

"eh, i just got here 2 minutes ago. treat me a coffee and sandwich," changbin said as he approach felix. the younger nodded and let the older walk first to the convenience store.

felix awkwardly pull the glass door to let changbin walk first inside. changbin chuckles and tap his shoulder, "don't treat me like a woman."

felix felt his cheeks warm. he feel stupid and embarrassed at the action he did. he thought changbin was offended by that, so he make sure to remember this.

"that's alot of beer," felix pointed while the cashier check the drinks. changbin grins, "heh. this is for later, freckles."


"yeah," felix got his card back and changbin carrying the plastic bag. changbin smirk, "we'll get you drunk later tonight."


they are currently at the park, watching the kids play with their fellow while the others are with their family. changbin is chomping his sandwich, his coffee inbetween them. felix silently eating his chips, sitting with changbin on the bench.

"i'm guessing you haven't ate breakfast," changbin said. he gently shove his sandwich on felix's face, "have a bite."



felix shrug and just took a bite. he nodded as he chew the food down, "taste good but not that tasty like ham does."

"my sense of taste is sensitive," changbin smirk. he lick his index that has mayo in it, "so light flavor is my thing."

felix gulped down slowly as he eyed changbin who were teasing him right in the public, broad daylight. he fakely cough and face front, "also shouldn't we cool up  the beer?"

"ah, wanna drop to my place or your place?" changbin ask, drinking his coffee. felix scratch his nape, "my place is kinda.. occupied."

changbin rose his eyebrow and just chuckle. he pat the younger's back, "your parents are active, huh?"


"c'mon, let's go." changbin pull his hand and carry the plastic bag. felix just nodded and insisted to carry the bag instead which changbin thankfully let him carry it through his place.


"apologies that my apartment ain't that fancy," changbin pushed a smile. welcoming felix inside the small apartment, enough for one person to live in. felix wander his eyes to the neat, simple apartment. he mumbles, "sorry for intruding."

they unwore their shoes, placing them beside the door. changbin lead the way, gesturing felix to take a seat at small couch. felix did and still wandering, this is the first time he visited the older's place. it was a surprise, the older lives alone.

changbin gotten to the kitchen to place the beer to his small refrigerator, and then getting two glasses of water for them. he place it down the coffee table. felix gets it and have a drink, "so hyung."


"what you wanna do?"

"have a guess." changbin grins and look at his phone. felix hums and cross his arms, looking at the ceiling. he ask innocently, "drinking?"

"that's for tonight."

"talk something random?"

"like what?"

"like why you live alone?"

"ah, my parents work overseas."

"damn, must be lonely."

"yeah," changbin smiled and put down his phone. he approached felix, have his hand rested on his lap. he said, "accompany me, freckle boy."

felix flatten his lips, feeling nervous for some reason. he hesitantly grab changbin's arms, "y-you're too close."

"i kind of wanna make out, is that okay?" changbin ask. his eyes was sincere, it seems like he wanted to do this ever since the day they met. felix breathes heavily and just nodded slowly, "just once, okay?"

"hm," changbin smiles and crash their lips together. this time, changbin was gentle, he leads the kiss as felix follows him. changbin then decided to enter his mouth, inviting to play with his tongue. their tongue dance together, once changbin grew tired he pulls away.

"haa..." felix moans softly, pulling his head back and close his eyes. he feels light, he kind of want more. he bit his lower lip and say, "ah, hyung."

"yeah?" changbin grins because of the younger's reaction. felix sounds like a brat whose whining for some more. he chuckles and sit at the younger lap, resting his hands on his shoulders. he ask, "want for another go?"


felix huffs as he pulls away, the strings of saliva was there. changbin just giggles, hiding his lips. felix brush his hair with his fingers, he licks his lips. their lips was swollen, and they were out of breath, their sweat was building up. their position is currently changbin laying down the couch while felix is on top of him. the older's legs was apart, and he is in between with all fours.

"this is my longest make out session ever, no cap." changbin chuckles as he sat up with felix. felix's coat was at the floor, he gets it and put it on the coffee table. changbin hiss as he lick his lower lip, "u bit it too hard."

"s-sorry," felix said as he lower his head. he can't meet eyes with changbin. the older shrugs and just drink his water, "wanna head out and eat lunch?"

"i eat homemade," felix answered.

"let's go to store then, but right now let's deal this first."

"deal what?"

changbin click his tongue, "tsk." he rolled his eyes and point at felix's harden bulge, "you're hard and i'm hard."

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