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𝗜 abandoned

changbin is currently at know's place. he is silently drinking his beer while eyeing the wall for the whole 20 minutes. the noise almost fading even though it was just the same room he's currently in. know and chan was talking loudly with their satisfied smiles plastered to their lips while they talk countless stuff with the othersa chuckling after.

chan then decided to bug his cousin, patting his shoulder just to distract his lost of thoughts. he ask him, "you want anything?"

changbin shook his head and gave him the 2 empty bottles he just finished drinking. chan nods and gets it, leaving him alone once again. chan continue his way with the group of leeknow. enjoying their time drinking in the fucking day time.

changbin then decides to open his phone, seeing felix's text messages. he texted back.

changbin: i'm at know's place

changbin: just enjoy your time with them

changbin: let's hangout tomorrow

he knows felix doesn't like drinking so he rather not invite him here especially with fellow drunkards. but not going to lie, he kind of feel lonely.

he then press home and randomly went to insta. while scrolling, he stumble to saeri's recent post. he fix his sloppy sitting position on the comfy floor-sofa, squinting his eyes to see the photo clearly. he even tap her profile to stalk her 'my day' story.

it hits. she took selfie with felix. they are both dressed good.

he furrowed his eyebrows as he close his phone. he then looks at his friends having fun. he slowly lean back to his seat and look up the ceiling.

did he saw that right?

did felix just.. did felix just lied to him?


"you're about to graduate highschool, changbin. you know what that means." the matured woman said in a straight tone, not soft but dominant.

"you're good on your own, changbin. just let us know when you need something." beside her was an old man with a neat suit, he fixed his tie and turn his back as she did so too. his voice too, sound very straight and firm.

"ah, wait.." the called young man try to catch up to them, his hand reaching for them but they continue to vanish.

"that kid lives by his own." a stranger said out of nowhere. another woman appeared beside her, "what a pity."

they are currently behind him, murmuring loudly. "do you think his parents' dead?"

"oh, at such young age!"

a man said who appears in front of him, "if i was your father, i wouldn't do that."

"hey, let him be. he already feels lonely."

the voices continues, making it hard for changbin to bare. he squat down and try to cover his ears - closing his eyes shut - pressing his palm to his ears while he grit his teeth. he want them to shut up.

suddenly, it stopped.

he felt another presence so he looks up.

"hey," a guy smiled at him. "you're changbin, right?"

"uwah~ so cool, can you teach me?" the girl beside him smiled at changbin, leaning as her hands rest to her knees. she seem excited to see him, "i'd love to play guitar as well!"

"why don't we form a band?" the guy asked both of them. changbin was hesitant but a hand suddenly landed on his hand to grab him. he looks at who it was.

it was a younger boy, "c'mon, it'll be great!"

the three of them patiently waits for his answer, they were smiling but nothing defeats the person beside him with brighter smile. changbin smiles a little; he nods as an answer.

once he stood up, they vanish naturally.

the younger guy then appeared afar, changbin only faces his back. he slightly turn around, he seem sad. he smiled to him helplessly, "sorry, bin-hyung."

"huh, what.." before he could complete his sentence. the younger continue his way, vanishing from his sight.

he then looks beside just to see the guy and the girl. the guy putting down the drum sticks on the surface of the drum while the girl took off the guitar hanging to her then put it down beside the drum. they turn around just to face changbin. both of them say with their smiles upside down:

"we'll be studying in different school."

changbin seem to not like where this is going. he doesn't wanna know what they meant by that. he hesitates, "i.. i thought we'll do it together."

"goodbye, changbin." the both of them turn around, splitting to their path as they vanish.

changbin's hand try to reach but he stops. he feels his legs heavy so he drop down on the cold floor as the black surroundings continue to wrap him.

a light suddenly appeared, he looks up and saw an inviting hand and desperate face. the person looks bright.

he calls, "hyung!"

he was going to reach for the hand but another hand suddenly took it. it was a girl clinging to him, smiling devilishly.

"he's mine, oppa."

changbin mumbles, "no.."

she then giggles mischievously as she rest her head to the person's chest. "we'll be going now."

she pulls the person with her. changbin tries to stand up and catch up to them. try and stop them. he yells helplessly, "stop!"

the person rose his hand and say without even looking at changbin, "you're better off alone."

"no!" changbin gets up and pant desperately. his hair wet and damp on his forehead, currently he's sweating on his bed.

he just woke up from a nightmare. he looks at his hand and touch his cheeks. he then fall back to his pillow, eye the ceiling as he try to recall the dream he just had. his hand carefully goes up as if reaching for something.

he feels out of breath.

he feels tired.

his throat's dry and he find himself hard to get back to sleep.

he feels disgusting because of his sweats.

he feels uncomfortable because his bed feels hot.

he then cover his eyes with his arm, closing his eyes as he try to get his breathing back to normal.

he can see his room in dim light. he forgot to close his window's curtain, so he can tell it's 5 or almost 6 in the morning. the sun almost rising.

he suddenly feels like his bed is huge for just one person. he then hugs his pillow tightly. he mumbles as he bury himself to the pillow, "it's been awhile to have that nightmare.. now with freckles(felix) involved."

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