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𝗜 breakfast with hyung

felix woke up at the sun ray outside the window, greeting him in the morning. he blinks a few times and notices that changbin is in his arms. the older also seems to enjoy clinging to the younger. felix felt his heart thumping, his cheeks becoming pink.

ahh, he is so cute!

"you awake?" changbin said tiringly, he scratches his eyes with his index finger, loosening himself to the younger. felix getting his arm off changbin, he is currently sucking in his breath. changbin's eyes open to meet with his, "what you wanna eat?"

felix bit the inside of his lower lip, the sight of changbin this close and waking up in the same bed is like a dream. him greeting you with what you wanna eat is just a bonus!

changbin got up and stretch his arms up, having a satisfied moan. he said, "i guess i'll just make sandwich and coffee."

"is that all you eat, hyung?" felix asked as he sat down and reach for his phone under his pillow to check the time. but he instead saw a lot of texts and calls, and he have his phone muted. wait, he doesn't remember muting his notifications-

"then you make us breakfast," changbin grabs his arm and try to pull him up. felix lets him pull him out to the bedroom, and go to the kitchen. "also i muted the notifications because i can't sleep." changbin goes to the table and takes a seat on the chair. he then said, "do our breakfast, cutie."

felix stood there and scratch his nape. he place down his phone on the table and ask, "okay. then, where's the pancake ingredients?"

changbin then decided to help felix make pancakes and even corrected the younger one about the measurement of each ingredient because a perfect pancake makes the day better. once felix started cooking in the pan, the older decided to make coffee.

after almost an hour, they are ready to eat. while eating, changbin decided to start a conversation. he said, "you fell asleep while drinking the 2nd bottle."

"d-did i do something weird?" felix hooked his shirt with his index as if feeling tense, though he is indeed worried about what he did yesterday night since it was foggy in his memory.

changbin hums and just slices his pancake. he said, "you just cling like a koala and mumble gibberish. but it sounds like you missed someone."

felix looks at his pancake. he said, "probably my parents. i haven't been keeping contact with them."

"where are your parents?"

"dad is working at a company and mom.. passed away."

"oh, condolences."


"say, your dad-"

a sound of ding dong was heard at the apartment which stops their conversation. changbin decided to get the door and see who was visiting at this early day. it was chan, greeting him with a wide grin. changbin boringly looks at him, "fuck you doing here?"

"it's natural for me to visit at this hour, this sunday. mmm~ i smell pancakes!" chan normally walk inside past changbin, taking off his shoes and placing them beside the two pair of shoes. chan perk up when he noticed an unfamiliar pair, "you got a guest?"

"ah, chan-hyung." felix said and rose his hand to wave. chan widening his eyes and then return to smirking one just like a lenny face. he looks at changbin, "i see."

the two walk inside the kitchen and have their seat. changbin continues his food while chan gets the serving plate with pancakes, getting felix's fork naturally. the younger then realizes, "wait- you have been going to changbin-hyung's place?!"

"you're loud," chan scowls and chomps the pancake. he chews with a chubby cheek, he shrugs. he then said, "yes... since high school."


"we are cousins." changbin said boringly as if being sarcastic while he munches his pancake. felix was lost but just didn't ask further and continued his food.

no wonder they look all buddy-buddy.


"yo, pass me the remote." chan started as he yawns, laying sloppily on the couch. changbin has his eyes on his phone, he reaches for the remote on top of the table cabinet and passes it to chan without even looking. felix is just there, quietly sitting on the solo sofa. chan turn on the tv and glance at felix, "what?"

"so this is what you do in changbin-hyung's place?" felix asked.

chan pouts and hums, "i guess. hey bin, i'll be sleeping here tonight-"

"no." changbin said without hesitation. his eyes still on the phone screen, "don't you have basketball practice?"

changbin groans, "ugh, i hate practicing."

"you shouldn't have been a captain," changbin responded.

chan laughs, "shut up. i'll practice tomorrow, but let me sleep here just for tonight."

changbin just hums as agreeing for the older one to stay for tonight. felix is just left silent until changbin called for him, "huh?"

he gestures him to come close. well, felix did so like a trained dog. changbin puts his phone down and looks at him, "you don't have any plans today?"

felix was gonna shake his head when he remembers his homework and the missed calls. he quickly gets his phone and calls jisung who quickly answered, "felix-ah!"

changbin was left confused since he didn't respond but just shrug it off. felix on the other hand walks away and go to the kitchen. he said to jisung in the phone, "i'm sorry i didn't let you two know that i won't be able to get home yesterday, it was sudden-"

"oh, no worries! are you still at changbin-hyung's place?" jisung said brightly.


"well, get home whenever you like but just don't forget your studies." jisung said, almost sounding like a mother. felix scratches his cheek and said, "i'll come back home now. i'm just letting y'all know that i'm fine."

"alright~ minho-hyung made pasta by the way."

"mm~ can't wait. alright, see you."


felix then read the texts he have received and one of them is his sister's. he replied to it and then decided to return to the living room where the two casually doing their things like a couch potato. before felix could start, "you going home?"

"yup," felix said.

changbin stood up and approach him, "come by every time you feel like it." he said and grab his hand to lead him to the entrance door. he continued, "i'll see you tomorrow at school, freckle boy."

felix nodded and let go of his hand. changbin opens the door for him to go out. before the younger could bid him goodbye, changbin peck his cheek. he heard in the background chan, "see ya, felix!"

changbin slightly smiled and then closes the door, leaving felix glued on the spot. at the moment, he doesn't know what to do but awkwardly left the place and decided to come home. his cheeks were pink throughout the time he walks home, he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened even yesterday. it was all new to him. a virgin taking his first step (LMFAO)

"are you gonna come in or?"

"ah, coming!"


i am not feeling this chapter, it seems to lack some things and i need to work on the plot more. thank you so much for the support!<3

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