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𝗜 blind date

felix did a thick gulp. he looks at the building where his blind date going to be. he is wearing a dark brown coat, black turtleneck long sleeve, khaki slacks, and white shoes. he tries to fix his hair but he gave up when some of his bangs keep sliding to the front, he just put his hair aside. hopefully this is formal enough as requested by his father. he looks at his watch and he just arrived right on time, he took a deep breath and breathes it out.

it wasn't a famous café, there's barely people in here. he looks around because he literally doesn't know what face he'll be meeting, he just knows it's his father's coworker's daughter. he scratch his nape and continue his way inside, he then saw a familiar person. he goes to them. he calls, "saeri?"

"ah, felix." saeri with surprised face. she hid her phone in her purse and looks around, "where's changbin-oppa? all by yourself?"

felix nodded and ask hesitantly, "yeah.. what about you?"

"i'm waiting for someone. uwah~ you look good." saeri said with tone of ignorance. felix just smiled unsurely, "you aswell."

she's wearing a pink knitted dress, gold necklace, and pair of diamond earrings. she also fixed her hair, placed on side with hair pin holding it behind her ear. she smiled brightly, "thanks! i've been here for like.. 20 minutes, i thought i was late!"

"who are you waiting for exactly?" felix asked curiously.

saeri pouted, leaning and crossing her arms. "it's a blind date."

felix's eyes have widen. he shakily pointed at saeri who then look at him with rose eyebrow. he stutters as he point himself, "m-me too."

saeri also widen her eyes, loosening her arms and point at him and then to herself. "don't tell me, your dad is my dad's... coworker's son?"

felix nodded slowly and avert his eyes. saeri whining in irritation, wearing a bitter face. she says, "ah~ no fucking way."

well, this is so awkward.

a few moment of silence, she then click her tongue giving felix his attention to her. she tells him, "just sit down already. let's get this over with."

felix hesitantly did so, sitting at the other side, facing her. she continue while looking at him, "i spent my energy for this so we gotta enjoy our time."

felix's hands rested on his lap, he feels hard to move. he just lick his lips and say, "i haven't had the time to ask appa so i didn't know it was you i'm meeting."

"ah, i try to ask my dad but he told me blind date is blind date." saeri said dramatically, her hand on her cheek as she sip her milktea. felix grins because her and her dad resembles each other, both stubborn. she then place it down and look at him, "so is this what you mean by family thing?"

felix nods, "so what you wanna talk about?"

"i don't know," saeri said and hums. "oh! i remember when you were sick and we gotten to know-oppa's party, it was crazy because jeongin was good at drink shots! it took him 8 shots to get drunk, didn't know he's good at drinking."

"and chan-hyung?" felix was amused by this, he leans on the table, have his arms rested on the surface.

saeri shook her head in disappointment, "he lose to drink shots at 5 cups, ironic cause he's a basketball captain."

"and your hyunjin?"

saeri then hid her cheeks with her hands, getting shy. "mm! well... we only talked shortly during the party because y'know, he have friends, i have friends so we can't have alone time even for an hour."

felix nodded. he did knew that saeri seem to struggle to hangout with hyunjin. he doesn't even talked to the guy so he has no idea what keeps him so busy.

saeri looks sad but she quickly change the topic with her teasing him, "so how's you and changbin-oppa lately?"

felix sigh and leans back, seems to be stressing out onto something. he responds, "i feel like something's missing, i can't tell what and why."

"damn, did y'all fight?"

"no." felix shook his head and look at his hands, "we're doing just fine."

"just fine like minho-oppa and jisung-oppa does?"

felix didn't answer this time, catching saeri's attention. she shook her head and stood up, "y'know what? let's eat this out, both of us are struggling to each other's love life."

felix just giggles and goes with her to order food to the cashier. they both enjoy the food while talking random stuff, it's platonic friendship. saeri taking selfies with him, also stolen shots of him eating and while talking. two hours passed and the two decided to go home. saeri took a quick selfie for both of them as soon as they got out of the café.

"why taking so many pictures?" felix asked her. she rolls her eyes, "for my dad, duh~ plus i look cute. you look good too, should i send you pics?"

felix nodded and opens his phone to check for the time and for notifications. he answers shortly, "yeah."

they stood there for a few minutes as saeri sends felix their photos and him alone. after that, saeri decided to bid goodbye but felix insist on taking her home. "let me take you home, i bet it's close."

she shook her head and grinned, "don't worry, these photos are enough proof that we gotten to 'our' blind date."

she wave her hands while walking away, felix doing the same. he then calls his dad, telling about how the blind date went and him currently having a relationship. it was a dismay for his dad but he hopes he'll meet his son's lover. now that's the thing, felix is now worried about. his lover is a guy, his name is changbin. hopefully, it'll be okay.

talking about changbin, he's not texting. he haven't replied to felix's text at all. it was just a good morning and eat breakfast text, but it was only mark read.

felix thinks of visiting the older; he sends another text.

felix: hyung, i'll come over

felix: don't worry about my family stuff, it's all good

felix: where are you?

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