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𝗜 childhood friends

chan: duuuude how much longer are u gonna act dead?

chan: i hate how felix radiates his emo energy

chan: i feel like an older brother being worried to that dumbass

chan: quit leaving me on read

chan: especially to him

chan: aren't u happy?

chan: u know what?

chan: ima call jeongin

chan: watch me

chan: u ungrateful cousin of mine

changbin: mf

chan: just tell me what happened

chan: we're worried, mostly felix

chan: let us know

chan was only left on read by changbin.. again. how many times already? he sigh heavily and close his phone. he is currently sloping around on the couch, almost have himself buried. if you're wondering where is chan at, he is chilling around on his teammate's place. a place for back up when he can't go to changbin's.

the taller guy came in with canned soft drinks on both of his hand, he gave chan one as he sat on the floor matt and continue his gaming to his console. chan gratefully took it and have a gulp after opening it. he then taps the taller's arm with the back of his palm, "let me join."

he nodded and gave chan another controller to use. next is chan choosing a combat game for both of them to play with. neither of them are bad, it explains how much they waste their time during they're free.

it's past 4pm and chan had enough. he huffs and comfortably lay on the bed, stretching in relief. he tiringly starts, "about the nerd you've been hanging out with.. why him?"

he paused his game and turn his head to look at chan; he's still wearing his stone face. chan waits for his answer but he just turn his attention back to the screen and continue his game. chan groans and just lay flat on the bed, facing the ceiling as he close his eyes. he continue, "do you think i should try dating guys too?"

that's it, his teammate have stopped playing this time. the questions were out of nowhere, he knows chan was only bored but with these weird questions are unusual. few seconds passed, he decided to answer chan:


chan then bursts out laughing. he rolls over to rest on his stomach and look at the taller to see his reaction, even leaning to see so. it was the usual, it has no emotion. it's like a mask, why won't this fucker show an interesting face for once?

chan only removes his fake tear and gets up. he says, "oh damn.. how boring."

of course, chan was only joking and just tries to dig in something to his friend. chan is.. someone who observes people without being obvious due to his carefree personality. he is good at reading the atmosphere and.. making things done on purpose and make it seem like an accident. manipulative? nah, but seemingly? maybe. he looks stupid but no.

he decided to leave. he walks away while saying, "imma dip."

he didn't wait for the other to respond, he just left the apartment and get back home at his place.

while walking home, he checks his phone to see the group chat being dry. it barely has texts in it. last chat was few hours ago, usually it takes few minutes or always recent. he knows why because it's vacation but it's more quiet than before especially because of what's happening between felix and changbin lately. damn, relationships does affect your friendship or the group itself.

he mumbles to himself, "just what the fuck happened?"

chan then goes to social media and continuously scroll. he even reach his place while doing so. he took his shoe off and pass by his dad who have his attention fixated to the tv. he didn't even greet his old man because he knows he's asleep. chan continue his way to his bed. he was about to fall asleep when his phone suddenly vibrated, it's a notification signalling a message. he lazily opens it and read it. he furrowed his eyebrows and rereads it.

saeri: i think it's my fault


chan is currently sitting at the wooden chair and have his arms crossed together. in front of him was saeri who were avoiding eye contact ever since they meet up to a café near their place. he patiently watch her fiddling her fingers, being anxious to begin to speak. it's been long to see chan with this side of him, so it's definitely something that is nowhere near laughing matter. he can't help but yawn even though the background noise was quite loud to keep him up. he's active, an athlete so being idle isn't his forte (which is sitting there doing absolutely nothing).

"okay, look-" saeri was cut off.

"i'm all ears." chan said in serious tone.

sure, they are childhood friends but this is no joking thing to goof around, instead it's a serious one. chan has been waiting for her to start talking since she told him it's better to say it face to face about what she texted him about awhile ago.

"i.." saeri continued, "i, uhh... i don't know."

"you don't know?" chan asked, squinting his eyes as if being sarcastic.

saeri sighs and looks at him, "i didn't know changbin would get the wrong idea!"

the tone was a bit high causing some few people in the café to hear it, even looking at them. saeri realizing it and just lower her head indicating she'll tone it down this time. chan then took a deep breath and lean to the table, having his arms rest on the surface. he say in straight face, "dumbass."

saeri scowling and immaturely spat, "you're dumber."

chan ignored that and ask, "so what're you gonna do now?"

"i'll apologize and get them together back in good terms like healthy couples do." saeri said, being dramatic. the idea was quite simple and quick, chan doubts that will be easy. he can't lie but saeri is indeed an airhead, so being insensitive is an accident. he just hopes her plan will work out.

he shook his head, "you just realized what you've done after almost a week. you think they'll simply accept your apology?"

"they're boys!" saeri argued. then whispers unsurely, "and gay."

chan snickers, not trying to cackle. he points at her with his index while smirking, "nice point."

saeri and chan, the two childhood friends ever since birth, now have a mission to get their two friends, felix and changbin get back together, even though they didn't even broke up, just get the misunderstanding things cleared up. you get it? yeah, reread if not.

"on monday." saeri said.

chan nods and repeat, "on monday."

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