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𝗜 submissive dog

it has been a cold week. the rain is slightly pouring as if small as a cell falling like asteroids on earth. it sure is a gloomy day today than yesterday. the fog appearing quite afar and making the seoul slightly aesthetically pleasing while the colorful lights are everywhere to give at least life to the sad surrounding. now moving on to the main event, felix is in his long caramel coat and stood like a statue in front of changbin's place. he has been there for an hour or so. doesn't he get tired?

yes, abso-fucking-lutely yes he is. his legs are hurting and beginning to get numb. he also feel tired and cold but nothing can stop him when he's being sincere with his feelings. also the determination to get things back and be good terms with his boyfriend like this never happened.

suddenly the door swung open, revealing an irritated changbin. he looks at felix with a scowl, "it's almost 6."

felix bit his lower lip as he hesitate to respond. he doesn't want to go home, not yet. he wanna be back together like it used to. he missed changbin even though they see each other every school days, but he now acts like a stalker waiting for changbin even in weekends. changbin's shoulders dropped and he sighed. he scratch his head making his hair dance. he invites, "get inside."

felix did a thick gulp with his stuck saliva. he find himself hard to speak; he haven't been opening his mouth lately. that's how he was affected when changbin gives him cold shoulders.

changbin scratch his forehead to cease his annoyance. he pulls felix inside his apartment and get him sat down on the couch. changbin gets some hot tea that he had ready since earlier he's feeling something hot to drink during this chilly weather.

he gave felix the other mug. felix was hesitant to do so but changbin gesture him to take it so he did. he just bob his head as if saying 'thank you.'

changbin sat beside him and silently sipped in his mug. felix just hands his mug and watch the older silently. changbin then put down his drink and look at the younger who quickly looks away. he says, "stop acting like an abandoned dog."

"...what?" felix with his innocent big eyes.

changbin then gets the mug to felix's hands. it gave the younger a chance to feel those cold hands and it made his heart thump loudly. the older and him look each other in the eyes. he feels his cheek beginning to get warm; he was blushing. indeed he missed being this close with changbin.

the older puts down the mug and then grab both of felix's hands. he says without breaking eye contact, "what you said before.. was it true?"

felix nodded quickly, slightly aggressive as if a jitter. changbin rubs the back of the younger's palm this time. felix flatten his lips as he ready for changbin's next question. this is a chance. a chance!

changbin ask another, "so it's a misunderstanding?"

"ne." felix nodded, leaning. he then feels changbin's fingers sliding around to intertwine with him. this time felix puff his chest; stop his breathing. he feel his heart rampaging inside especially when changbin began to smile.

changbin then nodded with a smirk forming to his lips. he ask in a playful tone, "you miss me?"

"hyung~" felix whines as if a dog crying. he rest his head onto changbin's shoulders and have his grip tight together to their hands. "please, hyung."

"please, what?" changbin grins as he lean his head to rub his to the younger's head as if a cat being clingy. he then yelps when felix attacked him with a big hug, towering him causing him to lay on the couch and be below felix. changbin teases, "say it."

"i missed you so so so so so so so so so so so much, hyung." felix said without breaking eye contact. he looks sincere and desperate. it was adorable in changbin's point of view.

he chuckles by that. felix's face turning red. "wh-what's funny?"

changbin thought giving felix another chance was a bad idea but it seems this is where true love will begin.

"hyung, what's funny?" felix pouts, almost sounding like a whimper as he asked the older. he grabs both of changbin's wrists to get him to answer. the older then removed his fake tears and say, "don't make me regret it."

"huh? regret what?"

changbin ignored that question and then caress the younger's cheeks. he feels alive whenever the younger is being near, here, close, with him, etc.

felix grabs it and rubs his cheeks more on the older's cold hand. he do resemble like a dog. changbin then pull felix by the nape to peck his lips. he asks in a soft and low manner, "do you love me?"

felix leaning to whisper in his ears, "let me show you how much i do."

god, felix is leveling up so much. he becoming more hotter than before. changbin could get hard, able to be turned on even without felix doing his deepest voice. felix is prude but when it comes to being sexy, it's really over hundred.

changbin can't help but grin as he kissed felix who gratefully kisses back. the two make out in the couch, slowly and enjoying their time having this moment of reuniting back together.

sure, the weather was cold and depressing yet two people being in love could make things spicy or hot as if a heater. the time where love needs determination, commitment, and patience was shown and it proves enough that one is worth it to get back with. love is complicated but you need to see every inch of it to understand. open your heart and make your mind guide you to romance. this is the closing chapter of volume 1:


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