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𝗜 just like a dog

"well, plan B didn't work." jisung sighed heavily. he either look and sound disappointed as he turn around to face them. he points up with his index finger while grinning, "let's go with plan C: courtship."

felix, jeongin, and chan tilt their head as if they just heard a strange word coming out from jisung who's standing in front of the four of them. saeri giggles and explains, "it's encouraging your love interest to date you."

"yeah, but aren't they already dating?" jeongin asked with his hand open; he wore a frowning face as if that infamous 'wtf?' meme.

chan and felix nods by that. jisung then say, "this is no different when you try to persuade your love interest to also..."

he waits for them to continue his sentence, even swinging his index finger back and forth as if a wand. saeri clicked her fingers and say in excitement, "to also give you a chance!"

"yes!" jisung grins. saeri squealing with an image building up in her head, a romantic scene in a k-drama.

chan then comments, "courtship.. like giving him flowers? but changbin isn't into that romantic-cringe stuff."

jeongin nodded and add, "he is also hard to please when he isn't in a mood. a bar of chocolate can help but i doubt this time."

felix then asks them, "should i try buying him his favorite food?"

all four of them nod to him. saeri then suddenly grabs both of his hands. she cheers, "you can do this, felix!"

felix hesitantly nods. chan and jisung nodding with an assuring smile. jeongin have his both thumbs up with a smile in his lips. they support him, by this he has to do his best. now if you were wondering where's minho, he wasn't with them because he is currently at his classmate's place for a group report in his class due tomorrow.

after the meeting, saeri, chan, and jeongin had already left the house. jisung took this a chance to tell something to felix. he approaches him who was closing the door.

"don't forget to pick him up and take it gently," jisung whispers as he winks at him. felix nodded, almost looking excited with the idea. it wasn't new but he'll take so much more effort than before.

he'll do his best, really.


if you're thinking about literally picking him up and slowly fuck him, that's so far from your expectations. the next day, felix is currently waiting in front of changbin's door. he is handing a sandwich and coffee drink just for his older boyfriend. he waits patiently until the door opens. he saw the person who he has been waiting for. he wanna go to college together with him.

changbin did notice his presence but he looks away not short after and continue to walk away with a bored expression plastered in his face. felix greets him, "g-good morning."

changbin didn't respond but he let felix tail him. this gave the younger a chance to keep on talking. he continue while looking at their steps, "i— uhm, how's sleep? i bet you haven't eaten breakfast yet. i bought your favorite.. sandwich and— oof!"

changbin stopped walking causing felix to bumped onto him by the back. the older looks behind and look down to felix's hands. he ask, "chicken?"

felix nods and offers it to him. changbin just gets it and proceeds on walking. he let the younger follow him as they go to the college without any of them speaking. just the surrounding keeping their atmosphere quite less awkward. once they're now in the hallways, "so uhm, hyung."

felix continues with a question, "wanna go home together?"

changbin didn't answer him nor even look at him. he just quietly eats the sandwich that felix bought for him. changbin rose his hand, "coffee?"

felix took a second to understand what the older have said — he realized he were still carrying the coffee drink he've bought — he immediately gave it to changbin. felix watched him drink while continuing to follow him until they've reached the classroom of where changbin has his first class of morning period. he stopped at the entrance door to face felix but before he could talk, the older gave him the sandwich wrapper and the empty bottle of coffee.

felix was going to say something when changbin already walked his way in his class without saying a goodbye even a look. felix were left dumbfounded but he didn't put much thought about this. it's that he knows he just gotta try harder for changbin to stop being cold.

patience, felix. patience.


"yah." chan taps saeri's arm. she were fixated on her phone so she hums as a response. he whispers, "is it just me that i'm seeing dog ears on felix's head?"

saeri's eyebrows have furrowed. she looks up to where was felix sat and she slightly agape her mouth when she understood what chan was trying to say. she nods and whisper back, "yeah. it's droopy dog ears too. i think i hear whining, do you?"

both of them look at each other in disbelief. chan shook his head and clicked his tongue. he then nods, "i think we should let them be alone."

saeri then scoots closer and whisper, "but the plan was to get things back like it used to."

they were going to keep on having quiet conversation even though the cafeteria was loud due to crowds, changbin appeared and sat with them as usual. felix's imaginative dog ears perk up when he saw his boyfriend.

felix first start, "hey hyung. where will be your last period gonna held? i wanna pick you up."

changbin ignored him and just continue his eating. there goes felix's imaginative doggy tail, limping. saeri and chan seriously feel the atmosphere of the two. it isn't good. it feels depressive and awkward. both of them look each other asking eye-to-eye who'll gonna talk with changbin next. chan seemingly has no intention to do so because his eyes says so. saeri rolls her eyes and then approach near changbin. she hesitates, "h-hi oppa."

changbin gulps his bread down and looks at her. he isn't making any emotion, just a blank one and yet saeri felt like there was a knife touching her throat as soon as changbin looked at her. it suddenly feels hard to move nor breathe. it's really a bad idea to talk with changbin whenever he's in a no good mood.. especially when the person who talks with him is related to the cause.

saeri just avert her eyes and slowly slides away enough to create distance for two of them. chan hides his grin, trying his best not to laugh but his shoulders shaking as he holds it. saeri glaring at him. he innocently open his palms and slightly shrug as if saying 'what?'

it seems like changbin is 'a tough shell to crack.'

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