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𝗜 open book

felix felt wet kisses landing on his neck, being sucked after which send a ticklish feeling. the cold hands roam inside his shirt, going up to reach his chest and it seems like it's trying to remove his shirt. felix bit his lower lip, trying to stop from moaning. before the older could go further, "hyung.."

he called changbin who is on top of him. they are currently making out on the couch. changbin pull himself and look at the younger, "yeah?"

"i thought we're gonna study?" he asked dumbly. as soon as felix came in his place, changbin drag him in the couch and here they are in this situation. changbin remain sat on the younger's lap, "right now we're doing cuddles and kisses."

he gets the younger's hands to place it on his hips. felix eyes him. he smirk and peck him a kiss, "i've prepared."

felix tilt his head innocently. he copy, "prepared?"

changbin chuckles from that reaction, he caress the younger's cheek. he nods, "i loosened up my ass."

felix then lightly widen his eyes, his cheeks turning pink. he hid his face by stuffing it to the older's shirt, making the older giggle. he pets the younger, "so what'd ya say?"

felix only hugs his waist making changbin grin from his adorable boyfriend. he also felt the younger pressing their bottom area together, it seems like the younger became excited. he can't wait too. he mumble under the shirt, "you're a tease."

"we haven't done it for awhile," changbin respond. felix pull away, he face the older with confident and a little bit excited face. seems like the younger is determined, it was a cute face. they were going to kiss when the door slam open, "bin!"

chan just came back, he eyes the two and already knows what's going on. "oh," he then smug and continue to go in. he smirk at felix, "sorry for interrupting but i forgot my wallet."

felix just avoids eye contact while changbin glared at him. chan approaches the couch and check in corner, he saw his wallet and pick it up. he showed it to them, "don't want this getting dirty."

"just get out," changbin spat.

chan rose his hand as farewell, locking the door as he close it. felix was still embarrassed by being caught in this situation. saeri and chan would most likely gonna tease him this week. changbin on the other hand just shook his head. the mood was gone. he got off and say, "let's just study."


"felix." changbin shook the younger's arm gently because the younger seem to be spacing out, he has been staring at his notes for a while now. felix flinch and look at him with innocent eyes. he ask, "you alright? you seem out of it."

felix grab his notes and nod hesitantly. he fake a cough and avoid eye contact by eyeing his notes, trying hard to focus. changbin continue to stare at him. they are currently at the kitchen, studying in the table with their snacks beside. he then touch the younger's forehead, taking felix aback. he said, "i'm guessing you're gonna get sick again."

"hyung, i'm alright." felix gets the older's hand and intertwine it with his. he continue, "let's watch together later."

changbin bit his lower lip and lean on his boyfriend's shoulder, they stare at their hands. he said, "let's do it now. we needa break for studying, especially you."

it wasn't even that too long for them to study to be honest. felix smiled and lean to the older also. he said, "sorry."

"for what?"

felix started to play changbin's hands with both of his, "i just feel like saying it."

"if something is wrong just tell me." changbin told him which felix hums. felix didn't know this but he is open as a book, obviously something is going on. but for now, he'll wait for felix to tell him. perhaps it is not the right time, and he seem to have a reason behind it. whatever it is, he will try to help him.

"you know," changbin again started. "if it's about awhile ago, we can continue—"

"ah, hyung~!" felix was embarrassed. "it's not that."

changbin just grins, "alright then."

felix just continue studying while changbin gets his phone to text chan.

changbin: you're dead

chan: not quite

changbin: don't worry, i'll take care of your dad for you

chan: wtf don't fuck my dad

changbin: imagine u died and see us fucking

changbin: except the fact u're murdered by ur own cousin

chan: it's traumatizing

chan: im sorry i didn't know you two will do it sooner, okay?

changbin: you sound like you don't know me

chan: well i thought this time is different

changbin: stfu

chan: whoa there u forgot im older than u

changbin: haaaa w.e ik u did that on purpose

chan: leaving my wallet?

"who you texting, hyung?" felix eyes his phone. changbin quickly place down his phone and look at him with a smile. he was about to reply to chan, but letting felix read their conversation is not worth it at all. he just answer, "chan-hyung."

felix isn't convinced since from the older's weird action, he just shrug it off. changbin continue to study also. in the end of the day, they just studied like normal friends. it was quite odd, really. it's now night time.

"you hungry?" changbin asked after they clean up the table. felix looks at him, "yeah."

"what you want to eat?"

"you." felix said quickly while texting jisung that he will have dinner at changbin's place. he then suddenly realized what he said. "no, i mean japchae."

"you sure?"

"sorry, it just came out." changbin smiled from that respond of his. felix scratching his nape and avoid eye contact. the younger's face is reddening. he shook his head and mumble, "cute."

"let's see if we have all the needed ingredients. also did jeongin already moved in his place?" changbin ask. he gather the ingredients while felix get the utensils.

"yep, he lives alone." felix nod and help the older by washing the veggies.

"why not having roommate? it's cheaper."

"no idea, but aren't you living alone also?"

"heh, why? you wanna live together?"


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