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𝗜 a sudden greeting

last period, felix quickly pack up his things and get his bag. he is currently waiting for the older's text message. he was speed walking as he got out the classroom. it wasn't that long he receive a message, so he quickly put his phone in his pocket after replying and continue his way to the said place which is the school gate.

felix: my class just finished

felix: where are you hyung?

changbin: beside the gate

felix: alright

it seems like the younger is excited to see him. he looks up the sky with a hue of yellowish orange. changbin patiently waits beside the gate, fellow students crowding the waiting shed. it'll be difficult to find him especially with the height of his. he looks around to search for felix too, but someone suddenly block a view.

he looks up boredly and then froze when they met eyes. the other young man gave him an innocent-looking smile. suddenly he wanna throw up because his throat feels like something got stuck in it. the young man greeted him, "been awhile, bin-hyung!"

what the hell?

changbin cursed in his thought. he just silently eye the other person, not even a single word come out of his mouth, it stay zipped. the person rose an eyebrow and pout, "you used to be excited to see me, hyung. somehow you quite changed.. maybe the ear piercings?"

the person eyed changbin's ears, this cause him to step back and look somewhere to avoid the gaze. the young man continue with a beam, "ah! do you still play guitar?"

changbin is wearing an uncomfortable face, it looks like a pitiful one who is struggling to escape to something.. or to someone. he still manage to straighten his face, his heart thumping loudly as he try to speak. he said without having eye contact, "i thought you left korea."

the person's smile slowly fade. he scratch his nape and shrug, "well-"

before he could proceed, a familiar voice called out to the older. "hyung!" it was felix, he seems happy to finally found the older. he quickly approaches, "did you wait long?"

changbin shook his head coldly and pocket his hands in his jacket. he didn't even look at him. felix feels like something is wrong, the uncomfortable vibe is there. before he could ask, the person greeted. he said, "you must be bin-hyung's friend!"

felix then turn his head to him, "yeah.. i'm lee felix. you are?"

"i'm yang jeongin!" the young man said with a smile, he invites a hand shake and felix just did lend his hand. he added, "bin-hyung's ex boyfriend." it surprised him, he felt jeongin's grip have tighten. he continue, "ah! i remember bumping to you awhile ago, sorry again. i was in a hurry since i'm an exchange student."

"is that so..?" felix just response awkwardly. jeongin nodding with a smile, pulling their hand back. the two younger then faced changbin who was still silent, he was looking at the ground. two of them knows it means he doesn't wanna speak whatsoever.

"oh, yeah!" jeongin then bonks his fist on his palm as if remembering something that needs to be settled. he try to meet eyes with changbin while lowering his head to face him, "i wanna invite bin-hyung to have a talk at the new café around here."

changbin try to get near felix, shyly pinching the shirt's hem. felix felt like he needs to answer for him, he straighten himself. felix responds, "i'm sorry but we have somewhere else to go."

jeongin tilts his head innocently, "huh, really? why don't you two do it next time and join me in the café with my treat?" he smiled again. one that with no intention, but deep down has a malicious plan kind of smile.

it seems like he is one persistent kid. felix doesn't know what to answer next. changbin sigh, "you're still stubborn as ever."


the café was indeed new, the smell of furnished wood and different aroma of drinks blending in the air. after slurping his shake with straw, he moans in satisfaction. he lets out, "ah~ you could taste the real fruit and how fresh it is!"

changbin eatin silently to his sandwich, felix stealing glances. the chairs they're sitting positioned in triangular around the round table. jeongin was enjoying his food, it's like an ignorant foreigner eating in an asian café. he continue, "also i wanna ask about your fashion sense.. what happened to your style, hyung?"

changbin gulps down his food and coldly answer, "i just wanna be comfortable with how i want to dress up from now on."

jeongin hums, grabbing his chin and look up to show he is recalling. he said, "i remember you just wear those rock band shirt and skinny jeans."

felix silently listen to their conversation, he kind of felt like he wasn't supposed to be here but as if he'd let the older be left with his ex boyfriend. somehow he kind of felt jealous that jeongin knows the older more from the past. he just continue to eat his ice cream in silence.

"oh yeah, about the band when we were highschool.." jeongin open another topic. his smile seem to be plastered, never leaving. he is very expressive, you could read his face easily. he ask, "i ask again. do you still play guitar?"

changbin shook his head, "i stopped when i gotten to college." he sips his iced coffee, swaying it a bit. he continue, "i don't feel the excitement anymore."

"such a waste," jeongin said in sad tone. he then rose his phone, showing a music playlist. he beams, "but hey! you still listen to this band, right?"

changbin nodded after checking the playlist. he can't help but smile slightly, "the Memories of One is still my favorite."

"yeah, you never get sick of playing it with your guitar." jeongin giggles then get his phone back to his pocket. he finally noticed felix's presence, "also how long have you been friends?"

"just this year," felix said.

"ah.." jeongin nods and move on. he turn his head to face changbin, giving him an attention again as if felix was temporarily there. he said, "also i was wondering what happened to the guitar."

the conversation goes on, felix joining in whenever he's able to. it seems like an hour passed because of the lights outside became bright, the sky did an opposite and be dark. changbin then stood up, "i guess it's time for us to go now. it's nice meeting you again, jeongin."

the called lad warmly smile, "you used to call me jeon-ah. it seems like you really changed." he then got up and get his things. he approach changbin and hug him, the older taken aback and is hesitant to hug back. jeongin whisper, "i missed you."

changbin flatten his lips and glance at felix who seem worried, he stay in his seat since he doesn't know what to do. changbin pushed a smile and pat jeongin's back. he mention, "jeongin."

he then get off of jeongin's arms, giving them enough space to look at each other. changbin said, "i moved on."

jeongin seem dumbfounded, he feels like his surroundings has stopped. he is glued in his spot. changbin then gesture felix to get up so they could now leave. the younger awkwardly did so. changbin then bid his ex goodbye with a thank you for treating them to café. jeongin just chuckles, shaking his head for reacting like that. he mutter, "let's see about that."

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