3. Warm Posters and S-E-X

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(Cindy POV)

     So my school morning started as usual; breakfast, walk to school, locker, library early, give out newspapers, wave at Mike who's always spazzing out trying to get my attention when I'd walk in his class with the papers. I returned back with my cart, and helped Mrs. Lane turn on the computers. I returned to the front desk and within 10 minutes I saw Mike and another guy walking passed the windows. They stepped in. I giggled. "Trouble again?" He chuckled.

"No my teach needed to get these posters laminated." He held two up and the other guy held two more up.

"So he chose you to bring them down?"

"Nah, I volunteered!" He smiled.

"And then he volunteered me, when I was nice and comfortable in my seat." The other guy said.

"Billie, you'd rather sit and hear a stupid lecture." I looked to Billie.

"No I'd rather be sleeping." He looked at me and smiled. "Anyway you must be Cindy, the girl who may or may not watch us practice." I nodded.

"And safe to assume your Billie." He smiled and nodded. "Let me just go turn the laminator on, it has to heat up but you can set those on the table there." I pointed and they walked to it. Mrs. Lane was dusting. I walked to the back and pulled the laminator away from things and turned it on. I walked back to the boys who were standing by the table.

"So are you going to be able to go?" Mike asked.

"Yeah! I just need your address." I smiled. 

Mike smiled. "Awesome, and its Billies place but I figured you could just walk with us."

"Yeah but my dad just wants it for emergencies." I said smiling.

"Totally understandable." He said waving his hand.

"We're not gonna murder you!" Billie said.

 I chuckled. "Well that's good to know." I stepped over and grabbed a sheet of paper with a pen. I laid it down. "Ok I'll go do these while you do that." 

He nodded and they both sat and Billie started writing. I took the posters to the back.

(Mike POV)

When he was done writing, he capped the pen and we waited. She was still in the back.

"So does she know you don't date Tiff anymore?" I looked to Billie.

"Um no... It never came up in conversation."

"Well you better tell her or she'll think your some kind of dog hitting on her while you have a girlfriend."

"Yeah your right." He had a point but it would be weird if I just randomly brought it up.  "I know! I'll tell her when she comes over, and I'll ask her out!" 

Billie raised an eyebrow. "Just like that? And you think that'll work?"

"I can only hope." I said shrugging a bit. 

She returned. "Here you go boys." She laid them on the table.

 I grabbed two. "Warm." I said smiling.

"Yeah... They did just run through the laminator." She chuckled.

"Ah, right." I nodded slightly embarrassed by my stupidness.  

"Uh yeah you'll have to excuse him... I don't even know why you talk to this loser." Billie said smiling to her. she smiled at him and I gave him an evil look.

"Aw, he's entertaining." I heard her giggle. I looked at her to see her smiling at me. I smiled and lowered my head as my cheeks heated a bit. This never happens! I hardly ever get nervous around people. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. You guys better get back to class." She said. I nodded.

"Yeah just meet us at the end of the 100 hall and we can all walk over to Billie's tomorrow." I said.

"Cool." She said.

"Cool..." I said softer. We turned to walk out but I turned back to her and waved. She waved back. We stepped in the hall. "Billie what was that about?" I said hitting at his arm.

"Ah, shit dude. I was just trying to get her to say something nice about you, you're welcome!" He said the last bit sarcastically. I guess it did work. "Makes her realize she likes you." I smiled. "she is ok... oh great what if she falls in love with me??" he said a bit panicky.

 I gave him an evil look, "she better not! Dude I saw her first!"

"I know, I'm only kidding." He laughed and then I did.

 He better be kidding. We returned to class and it was boring as ever. I'm so ready for tomorrow. I definitely have to find a good outfit for  tomorrow; one that will show a bit of my muscles when playing. When I got home I headed straight for my closet. Jeez I'm like a chick all of a sudden.

-Meanwhile at Cindy's-

(Cindy POV)

I laid a nice outfit out on my bed for tomorrow. Dad stepped in eating a hot pocket.

"That looks nice." He said mouth full making me giggle.

"Thanks dad! Oh!" I pulled Billie's address from my pocket and handed it to him. He took it and looked at it.

"Who's Billie?"

"That's where the practice is." He gulped down his bite. It sounded a bit painful. He looked at my outfit.

"And you're wearing that!" I looked at my jeans and ACDC shirt.

"Yeah? Dad it's just a tee and jeans." He bit his jaw.

"You're right... nice choice. Could be worse I guess. Wear a jacket too just in case." He looked at me.

"In case what dad?" I giggled.

"In case it snows or something."

"Dad it's spring time. I really doubt it's going to snow or rain since it's supposed to be 75 and sunny."

"Just wear one... for me?"

"Why? You think my arms are enough to turn them on?" I giggled he gave me an evil look. "I'm kidding, I will."

"And please, don't take your shoes off."


"That's where it all starts then the next thing you know you having sex and BOOM! You're dead."

"Dad I don't think you die, im pretty sure you get pregnant, but don't worry I'm definitely not getting pregnant or having sex any time soon."

"Oh no, people die from sex every day, and that's good sweetie." He patted my head. I looked at him confused.

"Where are these people dying from sex everyday?" He looked to his feet shuffling a bit.

"Umm.. in the paper.." He looked to me and pointed his hand back to the hall.

"Uh huh?... well then... guess I better never have sex then." I looked up at him playing around.

"That's my girl!" He hugged me "Now lets not talk about s-e-x anymore because hearing you say that word makes me cringe and wanna wash your mouth out with soap or punch you." He joked.

 I giggled. "What word?" I asked smiling in his chest.

"S-e-x word."


"Yes stop it!" He let me go and covered his ears.

"Oh so it makes you uncomfortable when I say sex?"

"Ahh! Yes! That's it I'm buying a gun and some bear traps!" He pushed me on the bed playfully and ran out. I giggled and sat up. I grabbed my clothes and put them on hangers hanging them on my closet door. I can't wait to meet new people tomorrow!       

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