11. Friends?

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“No please! I have to know. I’m totally clueless!” She sighed. “Cindy please. I don’t know what I’ve done to make you hate me as much as you do.”

“I don’t hate you.”

“No but you obviously did for something for a long time. I loved you and I thought you loved me, but you just completely disappeared and was never heard from! Do you know how hard that was for me, I went forever unknowing just what the hell made you turn against me so quickly.” I said a bit hurt. I didn’t mean to throw all that on her, but there were so many things that needed to be said that was never heard. I could see her getting teary eyed and a bit mad.

“Hey I loved you too and I did go to see you but you had the balls to go behind my back and fuck Tiffany!” I had never heard her sounds so angry and hurt, my eyes widened.

“Tiffany? I’ve never had sex with her.” I said shocked. I have no idea where she heard that but it was definitely not true. I began to feel some pain in my ribs. I relaxed and took in some small breaths.

“Yes you did Mike…. The day I came to say good bye, Tiffany answered the door and told me you too did it. She said that you wanted her back and all this stuff. I wanted to refuse the idea and talk to you but she said that you sent her to the door because you just couldn’t face me.” She sniffled a bit trying not to cry. “It made sense considering she was even at your house, but it’s ok. Because now I know that you had gotten hurt and were high on pain medication. You probably didn’t know what you were doing. I was so mad and hated you at the time. Then when we moved I met Steven as we were unpacking. We hung out and I told him what happened. One thing led to another and I ended up sleeping with him within a while of meeting him because I just wanted to feel I got back at you. Of course I ended up getting pregnant, but I love him now. So I forgive you, and want to put that in the past. I want to be friends.” She looked at me with a half-smile. She wiped the one tear that had fallen from her eyes. My eyes nearly bulged out at the news.

“Cindy. I remember that day very well. Yes I was mostly doped up at the time, but when I woke Billie was there. He told me since mom was going to be home soon he would leave. I heard him and Tiffany have a rant and then he left. I told Tiffany to leave. She insisted on staying and helping but I told her not to that I didn’t want her there. We heard someone at the door, and since I couldn’t get up she answered it. When she returned she said it was just some stranger looking for something, I can’t remember what; a dog or something. I told her she really needed to leave that I was in love with you. She got pissed and left. I’m a little fuzzy on the details because it was long ago, but I most certainly did not have sex with her. I know that for a fact! It must have been you at the door and she told you all of that bullshit because she was a jealous bitch.” I said. She gulped and laid her head down in her hands. “Oh no sweetie I don’t want you to feel any type of regret or anything.” I placed my hand over her hand where her cheek was. “I’m so happy that you have a family, and in love with that Steve guy, and you two have a beautiful child. I’m very happy for you. The only type of feeling toward me that I want you to change is the hate. I don’t want you to be mad or hate me anymore. I really do want to be your friend. I want to go to your wedding and see you walking down that aisle!” she moved her hands and leaned down to me giving me a hug.

“I’m so sorry.” I heard her say in my pillow by my ear. I wrapped my hands around her as much as I could.

“I forgive you.” I moaned a little in pain and she sat up. She had a few tears but not much. She wiped and fanned her face. I smiled. “So are we friends?” She chuckled a bit and nodded.

“I would love to be your friend.” She placed her hand on mine.

“Good.” I heard the door open. As Cindy turned to the door her hand moved from mine. Billie and Tre walked in. Billie let out a burp as he rubbed his stomach and Tre flopped on the couch and covered is head with a pillow.

“Man that was good!” Billie said smiling. “So did you too work everything out? You guys still friends?” Billie looked at us and lifted his hand up crossing his fingers. Cindy chuckled and stood.

“Yes Billie.” She patted his arm and he sat in the chair in her place.

“Alright!” She grabbed her purse.

“Well, I’ll tell the nurse about bathing you tonight, and I’ll be back before you wake up in the morning.”

“Bath!? A nurse is going to bathe you, Move over Mike!” Billie said jumping up. He started to move the covers on the bed. Cindy giggled.

“Yes our night shift nurse is.” Billie looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

“I’m gonna pretend I cant walk.” He said to me.

“Yeah don’t worry he’ll be gentle.” Cindy said to me.

“HE!?! Oh boy look at that!” Billie stood. “It’s a miracle! I can walk again! Oh thank you! NO sponge bath for me!” He said putting his hands together in the air. We laughed.

“Yeah sorry Billie.” Cindy said. He sat back down in the chair. “Bye guys!” She waved.

“Bye Cindy.” We all said in sync. She stepped out closing the door.

“So how’d everything go? Did you know Tiff took advantage of you?” Billie said leaning toward me.

“Tiffany did not take advantage of me. We didn’t sleep together. She told a lie to Cindy.”

“Oh wow, what a bitch.” I nodded. “Well dang, if Tiffany wouldn’t have you too would probably still be in love and that Makaylah girl would be yours.” He said staring at the door. I bit my jaw.

“Thanks for reminding me Billie. You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better.” I said sarcastically.

“Eh, that’s what friends are for.” He smiled and turned the TV on.

-At Cindy’s house-


“Mom! Your home in time for dinner!” I heard as I opened the door.

“Yeah!” I sad happily hugging her.

“Hey babe.” Steven said walking to me. I shut the door and gave him a hug. I held on to him a bit. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“I’m so happy to be home.” I lifted my head to him. “I love you so much.”

“I love you to babe.” He moved the hair from my eyes. “You look like you’ve been crying a little.” I shook my head.

“No just tired, and you know how the lights in some of the rooms are so bright.”

“Oh, yeah.” I puckered up my lips and he greeted them with his own.

“Mom! We made some spaghetti!” I heard Makaylah in the kitchen. I turned with my arms still wrapped around Steven.

“Mmmm… I love spaghetti!” I said. Steven chuckled.

“I know that’s why I fixed it.” He smiled and gave me another kiss. We released each other and we all ate at the kitchen table. Something we hadn’t done in a while. When it got 8:30 I sent Makaylah to bed. I went to my room and slipped on some pajamas and got in bed. Steven came in from locking the doors and got in cuddling next to me. He reached his arm around me and started kissing on my neck. I turned to my back and he slid me closer still kissing.

“Honey, I got to be at the hospital by 6:30. I’m really tired and stressed, so I’m not really feeling it.”

“Babe you’re always stressed and never want to do it.”

“I’m sorry, I just had so much go on today. I love you. I have Sunday off so we can spend a lot of time together then.”


“I promise.” He gave me one last kiss and laid by me just cuddling me. I really did have a big day, and the whole thing with Mike really stresses me out even now. I can’t believe I just believed Tiffany like that. I knew she was jealous. Who knows how we would be doing now if none of that happened. Just thinking about it made me more wide awake. I was really feeling like the jerk now. Here in reality Mike did nothing, and I slept with the first guy I saw that was nice to me when I moved; all out of anger because of him. I did fall in love though, and have a family. That’s all that really matters. I really hope that we can be friends still.     

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