14. A Turn Of Events

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    It was Friday morning, and I was up at an early 7am. I’d finally be leaving today. I remembered that Makaylah had wanted me to stay till she got out of school but I had to be out of the room by 10 so that someone else could occupy it if needed. I told Cindy I would leave but come back later to see her one last time. My catheter was taken out last night, good thing I had enough morphine in me to not feel it. Billie and Tre left last night too. I told them to get some rest at home, but to be back when they wake up to get me. Cindy came in with the nurse who was giving out breakfast. “So I just need you to sign a few more things. You should be able to shower without the brace, but it’ll have to be a quick shower, and put it back on as soon as you get out. It’ll be hard to dry off without it at first but just pat yourself with little bending while it’s off.” I nodded and she slid a table in front of me. I signed the papers and the breakfast was laid down.

“Alright, so where do I get my prescriptions filled?”

“You can actually go down stairs. When you get out of the elevator take a left and you’ll see the signs directing you to the prescriptions office.” I nodded and took my slips. The nurse pushed the breakfast cart out. “I’m glad you’re doing much better.” She smiled to me.

“Me too.” I started to move my breakfast around getting ready to eat. “So when did you move back to Oakland?” I didn’t want her to leave yet. She smiled and sat on my bed.

“After I graduated from the university. I got a job offer, and I just couldn’t turn it down.” She smiled.

“That’s cool.” I smiled and took a bite of oatmeal. “How’s Carl?” I said after swallowing.

“Dad’s good. He moved back to because he just loves Makaylah to death.” We both giggled.

“Yeah, she’s a great kid.”

“Thank you.” I nodded.

“So what did he think about you getting pregnant at 17?” She took in a deep breath.

“Well of course he hated the idea. He wanted to kill Steven! I told him I wanted to keep the baby, and that I still had plans to graduate and go to achieve my goals of being a doctor.” She smiled.

“And you did it.” I smiled. “I’m proud of you.” She smiled.

“Thank you.” She almost looked teary eyed.

“What’s wrong?” She smiled again.

“It’s just nice to hear that from someone else. My dad told me he was proud when I got the job.”

“Steven doesn’t tell you?”

“No and I tell him all the time I’m proud of him, hoping he’ll be like aww you too, but no. He’s just so busy.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No it’s ok. I’m hardly home long enough to have serious conversation with him anyway.” I nodded. I felt terrible, but didn’t know what else to say.

“What does your dad think of him?” She chuckled and it made me smile.

“He tolerates him. If it weren’t for Makaylah he probably wouldn’t speak to Steven. He just hates that he got me pregnant at a young age.” I nodded. “Well I better go check on the others.” She smiled and patted the bed before standing.

“Ok.” I said smiling. “See you later. She nodded and stepped out.


    I stepped out and started down the hall. Brandy stopped me. “So Mr. Charter is requesting more meds, he said what we chose isn’t working.” She held a clip board up to me as we started walking. I grabbed it and we stopped.

“Try some hydrocodone.” I marked out what he was on before and wrote a new dosage. I handed it back and she handed me another.

“Ok, And Mrs. Peal says she wants to go home now.”

“I have to overlook her first.” I handed the clipboard back. “Just leave this by her door and tell her I’ll be in in about 10 minutes.” She nodded and I walked off.

“Where you going?”

“I’ll be back, I gotta use the restroom.” She nodded and I continued walking.

“Hi doctor Lovelace.” I heard as I walked by a nurse. I smiled.

“Hello.” I kept walking smiling to and greeting each nurse, patient, or doctor I passed. I made it to the lounge area and went into the private bathroom. I locked the door and looked into the mirror. My semi smile faded and I had a burning sensation in my throat. It eased to my eyes and I just broke down crying. What is wrong with me? I was doing so fine. I’m supposed to be happy. It’s all because off that damn Mike! I was great until he arrived. I wish he would have just gone to another hospital. I was fine hating him and believing he cheated on me. Now I hate him for not cheating and being a good guy, because now the tables had turned. I was the jerk! I was the one who moved away and never called. I feel so terrible for doing that to him. I didn’t know at the time. I wet a paper towel and started doing some deep breathing. I gotta gain control. I’m at work! Mike will be leaving today so that’ll be the last of him. I can continue moving on. I wiped my eyes and face with the cold towel. I made myself look presentable and stepped out. I made my way to Mrs. Peal. “So Mrs. Peal, I hear you want to leave.”

“Yes, I’m sick of this damn place. I’m tired of being here!”

“I understand, but if you don’t start taking your blood pressure medicine like what was prescribed by your care taker you’ll just end up right back in here.” I started doing my mini checkup. She mumbled something angrily but I wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

“Well I can sign for you to go, but you need to take your medicine-“

“I know I know! Two times a day, after a meal.” I smiled and tore a refill of her medicine from my pad.

“Glad we have an understanding.” I heard some commotion in the hall. Someone was being brought in. After a while you get kind of use to it, although it’s always a terrible thing when someone has to come in. “You can change now Mrs. Peal. Have a good day.”

“Thank you.” She said a bit sarcastic. I smiled and turned. I stepped out and shut the door.

“There she is!” I heard. I turned to see Brandy jogging to me.

“Brandy what did I say about you running in the halls? It makes the patients feel unease.”

“I know but it’s really important.” She was panicky and almost in tears. “Come on!” She pulled my arm and we paced down the hall.

“What is going on Brandy?” We stepped through the ICU doors. We turned a hall and I saw Steven sitting in a chair. He had an ice pack on his elbow and was covered in blood. A doctor had a flashlight checking his eyes. My heart dropped. “Oh my god!” I took off running to him. 

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