4. A Short Walk

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(Mike POV)     

     I’m so excited yet nervous about today. I can’t wait till We all walk to Billie’s just glad he’ll be with us so I wont be as nervous, and of course if there was any awkward silence he would definitely step in to fill that space. I was sitting in fourth period writing all the crap down the teach was writing on the board, Billie on the other hand was writing a new song. He had been working on it all day. Just an hour and a half and we’ll be meeting with Cindy at the doors outta this hell hole. She’s so beautiful. My thoughts were interrupted by the intercom in our room.

“Mr. Perkins?”

“Yes?” He said looking to the speaker annoyed.

“Billie Joe Armstrong needs to come to checkout.”

“Alright.” What he’s leaving? The teacher turned to him. “Get outta here.” He turned back and continued writing.

“Billie? Where the hell you going?” I whispered to him.

“I gotta go to the damn dentist for normal check up.”

“Ew that sucks.. So are you going to be home by the time I get out?” He stood gathering he’s stuff.

“Yeah man no worries.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be fine with Cindy, she likes you. Catch you later.” I waved and he stepped out. Oh god what am I gonna do if we’re walking and there’s no interesting topics? What if I say something stupid?

     I felt my palms getting sweaty as I grew nervous. I was trying to think of different topics to talk about. What is wrong with me? I’ve never been this nervous to talk to girls. Before I knew it I was in my last class period and the bell rang. I gulped and walked to my locker. I Saw Cindy at hers further down the hall. She looked really cute. She had headband in pulling her brown bangs back exposing her beautiful green eyes. She was wearing an ACDC shirt, nice choice, and a pair of dark blue jeans with black converse. I was finished at my locker so I walked to hers. She was still fitting some books on her top shelf in her locker. I cleared my throat.

“Hi Cindy.”

“Oh! Hi Mike.” I startled her a bit. She smiled and got her books in place. She closed her locker and threw her book bag over one shoulder then adjusted her jacket across her arm. “So where’s Billie?”

“Oh he um.. Checked out early, had a dentist appointment, but he should be home now.” She looked around a bit.

“Oh ok.”

“So ready?” I asked smiling.

“Yeah.” She said smiling back. We headed out the doors, and interesting enough we had a nice little walk. We talked about my bass playing and her career goals. I thought it was really cool she wanted to be a doctor. She would be like a real life hero. We laughed several times too; this was a good thing. “So is your girlfriend meeting us there or what?” I gulped.

“Um actually.. no, because we broke up the other day.” I said looking at my feet as we walked.  

“Oh no.. I’m so sorry Mike.” I looked up to her she looked as if she’d said something wrong.

“No! Cindy it’s ok. I broke it off.” She seemed a bit relieved. “Yeah I just didn’t really like her. I don’t know we just didn’t have anything in common, plus I think she was a bit crazy, we had only went on four dates with in two weeks and she was all in love stalking me.”

“Kinda like you do with me?” She asked smiling. I couldn’t help but smile and blush I turned my head in embarrassment. “I’m kidding Mike.” She said pushing on my arm laughing. I gave her a push back and we both laughed. “Well I guess that’s what happens to girls when a guy they think likes them sleeps with them.”

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