16. Complete

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    It’s been two months since Cindy and my baby girl Makaylah moved in. I’m so happy. We’ve all gotten so close and I’m so happy. Cindy filled me in with everything about Makaylah and the past 7 years. Makaylah’s doing much better with her side. She currently has to wear a brace around her chest and back like I did every now and then.  Hers is decorated with flowers and other doodles. Billie and Tre just couldn’t resist. Billie still can’t figure out that rubrics cube, and Tre’s constantly teasing him for it.

“Makaylah, sweetie are you ready?” I yelled up the steps as I waited at the bottom. I was dressed my best. I looked at my watch. 5:27. Our reservation is for 6.

“She’s almost down hun, I’m just fixing her hair,” I heard Cindy yell down from the bathroom. I heard some more movement and then I heard the light switch flip off. Makaylah hurried to the steps and walked down.

“What do you think? I’m not wearing my brace!”

“I think you look beautiful  doll!” I said scooping her up in a hug as she reached the bottom.

“Thanks dad,” She said lightly. It warmed my heart to hear her say that.

“No problem sweetie.” She kissed my cheek and I pecked hers back. I set her down to her feet. “Go put your shoes on.” She nodded and ran to the door. I watched as the ends of her bow on the back of her dress flared out. I heard the clacking of heels and turned to see Cindy stepping down. Her hand slid down the rail. My jaw dropped. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that had lace short sleeves. It flared out a little at her hips and fell to her knees. She hand on a few gold bangles and a gold clutch. Her pumps were black and she had her hair curled just the way I liked it. She reached the last step and smiled when she saw my face. I shut my mouth and blinked a few times. “Wow babe, your gorgeous!” She giggled.

“Is the perfume to much?” I could smell a hint of something pleasant.

“No,” I said lightly smiling. She smiled.

“That’s good. Is it too short?” She cringed a little and looked down at the length. I pulled her chin up with my finger.

“It’s perfect,” I smiled. She glanced at my lips and I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips met but not for long.

“Eh, can we go? I’m hungry.” We both chuckled and looked to Makaylah.

“Of course, lets get out of here.” They smiled and I grabbed Cindy’s hand. She wrapped herself around my arm. When we got to the car I opened the door for my ladies. I made sure Makaylah was strapped in good in the back. I pulled out and we head to the restaurant.

When we got there it was a little packed; good thing I made reservations. I dropped the car with the valet and we all walked in hand in hand. The hostess asked our name and looked on his chart. He called a waiter who led us to our seats. I pulled the chair for Cindy and Makaylah before seating myself. Another waiter came up and started removing extra upside down wine glasses from our table. “Wine list sir?” Another stepped to me.

“No not to night thank you.” I gestured it away. Cindy smiled.

“Alright what can I get you to drink madam?”

“I’ll have a water,” Cindy said. He looked to Makaylah.

“Coke.” He nodded and looked to me.

“Coke as well please.” He nodded.

“I’ll be back with those and then I’ll take your order when you’re ready.”

“Thank you,” I said. He smiled and walked away. We all picked up our menus and looked. Makaylah had a special menu.

“I think I want that backed macaroni. It looks really fancy. Whats that on top?” Makaylah asked showing it to me.

“Mmmm that does look good. It looks like some kinda of crumbs.”

“Yum.” She pulled it back to her.

“That pasta looks real good.” I heard Cindy say.

“Yeah it does.” I continued looking.

“Can we get dessert too?”

“Only after you eat all your food dear.” Cindy told Makaylah.

It wasn’t long before the waiter came back with our drinks. I ordered a steak with vegetables and Makaylah got the macaroni. Cindy got the chicken with broccoli fettuccini alfredo. The waiter took our menus and walked away.  “So Makaylah, have you got everything adjusted in your room?” I asked.

“Uh huh, well almost. I still have one bin left but it’s mostly stuffed toys.” I smiled.

“Well that’s good.” She nodded.

“So mommy are you staying in daddy’s room now?” My eyes widened a bit and she looked to Cindy who seemed a bit surprised.

“What do you mean?” she said.

“Well  I got up one night to pee, and I saw you go from your room to mikes, um daddy’s.” Cindy chuckled nervously as I grinned. I saw her face change shades a little.

“Oh… honey… I um… I had a bad dream.” She giggled nervously.

“Oh, well it’s ok… I mean mommy’s and daddy’s are supposed to share rooms anyway.” Makaylah said before sipping from her straw she looked to me and I smiled.

“That’s very true sweetie.” I said casually. I looked to Cindy who was still blushing. She looked to me and smiled causing me to smile more. I love both of these girls so much. I don’t know what I would do without them. My hearts been completely empty until I found them again. Cindy literally bringing me back to life was more of a rebirth to me. They’ve completely filled my heart , then again the more I think about it there’s still something missing. Something leaving me not quite complete. I looked at both of them smiling at me. “Alright, I can’t wait any longer.” Cindy chuckled.

“Babe we just ordered,” She said smiling. I smiled back and reached in to my pocket pulling out a black velvet box. I didn’t let Cindy see it just yet. She looked at me confused. I leaned to Makaylah.

“Will you give this to your mother please dear?” She smiled taking it from under the table. I winked and kissed her head. She giggled.

“What is it?” She asked me. You’ll see. “Ok, here mommy.” She passed it under the table.

“Ok?” Cindy chuckled and I saw her lean and reach for it. As soon as it hit her hand and was in sight she went completely blank. I smile formed on her face and her hands went to her mouth. She let out a small gasp. Her breathing got deep and I got nervous. She looked at me and lifted the box in view.

“Open it mom! I wanna see.” Cindy glanced to Makaylah and back to the box. Her hand was shaking as she lifted the top. I smiled. Just keep it cool Mike. Calm, cool and collected. When it opened Cindy gasped again and I saw her eyes start to water. “Wow! It’s beautiful,” Makaylah said softly. Cindy grinned and nearly choked up. She looked up at me on the verge of tears.

“Cindy, I’ve never stopped loving you. I will always continue loving you. I’m so happy when I’m with you and Makaylah,” I glanced to Makaylah who had a big smile. I looked back to Cindy, “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Actually I don’t ever want to be without you. Will you marry me?” A tear fell from her eye as she smiled. She nodded and went to say yes but she choked up.

“Y-yes..” I stood and walked to her kneeling down by her side. She took a napkin to wipe her tears as I grabbed the ring from the box. I smiled and took her hand sliding it on her ring finger. She collapsed her arms around my neck and bent down hugging. “I love you so much!” She leaned back and started kissing my lips repeatedly before stopping giving me one long passionate kiss. I smiled and she smiled as we pulled away. I stood and kissed her fore head before returning to my seat. I heard people saying congratulations from the surrounding tables. I looked around as all eyes had been on us. I giggled nervously and nodded before looking back to Cindy and Makaylah. They were both all smiles and happy as I was. Now I can honestly say I’m absolutely complete!

Well thank you guys so much for reading this story. This was indeed the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. <3 I know I enjoyed typing it! Does anyone know anything about when the openings of the 2013 watty awards are?? Comment/Vote!

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