10. A Pest To Deal With.

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After my and Makaylah’s lunch she did her homework, and Steven came to work to pick her up. “Babe you will be home for dinner right?” He said as we approached the lobby at the exit door.

“Yes Steven I promise. I already told you I would.” He had Makaylah’s hand as I wrapped my arms around him for a hug.

“Ok. I’m really getting tired of theses late nights. It seems I rarely get to see you. Don’t make me have to become a patient.” He said still hugging me. I chuckled.

“Don’t do that! And I know. It’s just the hospital’s been a lot busier this past two weeks, and the longer I stay the quicker I can get people better and get them out of here.” I said. He pulled back.

“I know. I love you.” He gave me a kiss.

“I love you too.” I looked down to Makaylah and she smiled up at me. I bent to her level and brushed her sandy blonde hair back to see her eyes better. “I love you too sweetie.”

“I love you mom. I’ll see you later when you get home right?”

“Of course.” I said smiling. I gave her a kiss and stood. “Bye guys!” I said waving as they went through the doors. The both waved and said bye in sync. I took in a deep breath and let the air out. “Well back to work.” I said to myself. I turned and went walk but slammed into a body that startled me. “OH my god! I’m so sorry.” I looked up. “I-Billie? What are you doing? Stalker much?” He chuckled.

“Oh Cin. I can be, if you’re into it.” I rolled my eyes and walked off. I heard him chuckle. “I’m kidding.” He ran up to my side. “So you guys are really cute.”

“Thanks.” I said hitting the elevator button. It dinged and the doors instantly opened. I stepped in and Billie followed. I hit the third floor button and the doors closed.

“Sooo… You talk to Mike yet?” God why is he such a pest? I don’t remember him being like this when we were teens.

“NO, I haven’t have time. Why are you so worried about it anyway?” I said looking at him. He shrugged.

“I don’t know, just he’s my best friend and all, and you use to be my friend… wait we are still friends right?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Billie we hung out maybe twice and it was because I was hanging out with Mike.”

“Yeah but that’s still longer than I’ve hung out with anyone else. You were the only person outside the band that I could tolerate!” I smiled.

“We’re still friends.” He smiled.

“Good. So?” I looked back to the elevator doors.

“So.. I haven’t had the time. I will later. I have so many patients to check on before I even get a chance to step back into his room.” I felt the elevator stop. “I’ll talk to him tonight, just before I leave ok?” I looked over to him to see him smiling at me.

“OK.” The doors opened and I smiled stepping out. I needed to go to Earls room to have him sign his release forms. I turned to the right. I noticed Billie did to, instead of to the left toward Mikes room. He had his hands in his pockets jiggling some change.

“Where are you going?” I stopped and asked. He shrugged.

“Well Mike and Tre are napping and I have nothing else to do so I figured I could watch what you do.” He said.

“Billie you can’t follow me to all my patients’ rooms. Why don’t you just go home?”

“And leave Mike alone… here… no way.”

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