Chapter 3

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Zayn pulled up to a local bar called "Paul's." It was raining now- so much for a nice day. I put my hair up into a bun and put on some mascara. I decided to change out of my sweatpants because I figured that was a little too informal. I had on jeans and a flannel t-shirt that belonged to Zayn. It was huge on me, but I tied it a little so it would reach my belt hips. When I asked Zayn to tie it for me, he tied above my belly button and started to laugh. I immediately untied it and struggled to tie it myself, mumbling under my breath how much of a pervert Zayn was being.

Zayn grabbed my hand as we exited the car, walking up the cobblestone road to the greasy-looking bar. "Why are you taking me here?" I asked him. "This is where my friends are," he said, gripping my hand. "Oh," I said, hoping his friends were being more respectful than he was today. 

When we walked in the bar, loud Irish music was playing, and a short blonde boy with blue eyes caught my eye. He was playing the guitar, and he winked at me as I walked by. I blushed, but felt Zayn pull me closer as he gave the bright-eyed boy a dirty stare.

We walked up to a booth in the corner of the bar. I was surprised that Zayn didn't order a beer right when we got here, and I was even more surprised that we weren't going to be sitting at the bar itself. There were three boys sitting at the booth- one with long, curly hair and green eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and dark jeans. Another boy was older-looking, and he had light blue eyes and floppy brown hair. The last one had a buzz-cut and didn't have a beer in front of him. Instead, he had a small glass of ice water, and was squeezing lemon droplets carefully on the ice cubes.

"Guys, this is the girl I've been telling you all about," Zayn said. "Her name is Bella."

"Hi Bella," the boy with the buzz-cut said. "I'm Liam. That's Louis-" he pointed to the boy with the blue eyes. "-and that's Harry," he said, pointing to the boy with the curly hair. He had his hand on his napkin, slowly bringing it up to his perfect bow-shaped lips and wiping the Guiness foam off them. "Nice to meet you," he said, glaring at me with his light green eyes. I waved to both of them, and sat on the other side of the booth with Zayn. I sat on the outside and leaned on his shoulder as he stroked my head. He kissed it and leaned his head on mine. "So Bella," Liam started, stirring the lemon around with his clear straw. "How long have you and Zayn been together?"

"Five months," Zayn said. "Exactly." I opened my eyes. Today was our five month anniversary? I totally forgot. I sat back up. "Oh Zayn..." I said, looking him straight in the eyes. He smiled. "You can pay me back later,"  he mumbled in my ear. I rolled my eyes. "You seriously need to stop!" I said, laughing a little. I usually knew he was just kidding, but today I wasn't so sure. But now I knew why he brought me here- I told him last month that for our five-month, he could pick the place we were going to for dinner. I told him to pick any place, and he did tell me he wanted to go to a bar and keep it a bit subtle, but I didn't know his friends were going to be there...

"Zayn, I didn't ask you," Liam said with a hint of laughter on his teeth. "I'll ask you a different question, Bella. How did you and Zayn meet?"

I sat up again and looked at Zayn. He was looking out the window. "It's a long story... are you sure you want me to tell it?" I asked Liam. "Yes," Harry said in his raspy voice, leaning against the wall. "Okay," I said, smoothing down my shirt and clearing my throat.

It was a rainy night like tonight six months ago, and I had heard a loud knock on my door. It was a drunk, tan-skinned boy. "Is this Bella's house?" he asked, holding a note in his hand. He looked as if he was going to collapse right on the floor. "Why?" I asked, sassily putting my hand on my hip. "I have a special delivery for yoouuuu!" he said, waving the note in front of my face and pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I ripped the note from his hands and opened it. It was from my boyfriend, Francis.

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