Chapter 29

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Danae and I drove back in complete silence. Even though I was beyond mad at her, I still didn't have a ride home, and I told her that I wanted to give me a ride home after what she had just put me through.

"I didn't know that you used to be Zayn's girlfriend, too..." she said to me all of a sudden. I was hugging my legs still. I was still crying a bit, because now I definitely knew that Zayn still didn't love me. He didn't care about my feelings. He didn't care about Danae's feelings, either, even though she kind of deserved his harsh words after showing up at his house without any warning.

"Well, I was," I said in kind of a mean voice. I wasn't very happy with how my week was turning out so far, and I knew that it probably wasn't going to get any better. "How long ago did you guys meet?"

"We met three years ago and dated for two years," Danae started saying, looking at her GPS. There were still fifteen minutes to go until I reached the safety of my apartment. "We had always liked each other through high school and whatnot. At least, I thought he did.

"We really started falling apart after we went to visit Harry and his family. I was not a big fan of Harry, and that really annoyed Zayn, since they were best friends. I had put gum or something in his hair, and Zayn had a feeling it was me. He almost tried to break up with me that day, but I wouldn't let him. I don't actually remember why I hated Harry so much. I think it was because he would always get in the way of Zayn and I."

"That's a little extreme," I said to her, putting my feet on the floor of her car. It was clean on the inside and had the new car smell still lingering around in it. "Zayn needs to have friends too, you know."

"I know, I know," she said, biting her fingernail. "But they were always hanging out. I'd go over Zayn's house and see him sitting on the couch with Harry, watching some sports game."

"Why did you guys break up?" I asked Danae bravely.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Danae said. "We didn't officially 'break-up,' he just stopped talking to me and I fleed from town, assuming that he didn't want to talk to me anymore. I went to London, and I went to university there. I'm still there now, but I came to Bradford specifically to see Zayn. I skipped classes for a week, which was probably a huge mistake, and I realize now that it wasn't worth it."

I thought for a second. Would Zayn really be as mean as to not call back a girl he dated for two years? He also didn't officially break-up with her. Not to mention he was dating me the same time he was finishing up his relationship with her. "Did... did you know that... for the last three weeks or so you guys were dating, he was also dating me?" I closed my eyes and braced myself for the worst.

Danae took a huge gulp. "I had a feeling," she said. "I didn't know for sure that it was you, but I knew that he was probably cheating on me with someone else."

We pulled up to my apartment. I stepped out of the car as fast as I could and closed the door without thanking Danae for a ride. She put down the window before I could leave, though, and called for me. "Thanks for listening to me," Danae said. I smiled.

"I thought you would be mad at me," I said. "But I didn't... I don't know you that well."

Danae nodded. "I am more disappointed in Zayn than I am with you. I understand that you didn't know that he was also dating me at the time."

I nodded along with her. "Bye," I said, running inside and hanging my jacket on the back of my door. I  sat down on my couch and sighed in deep, checking my phone. I hadn't checked it in the car because I didn't want to be rude to Danae. I had three new messages and one missed call. They were all from Harry.

I wanted to throw my phone across the room and completely ignore them, but I realize that that would be inappropriate. I unlocked my iPhone and clicked on Harry's contact name. The phone rang twice before he could answer. "Hello?" Harry said in his raspy morning voice. I looked at the clock- it was still only 11:30 AM. 

"You called?" I said in the most less-annoyed voice I could. I could hear Two Door Cinema Club on the radio in the other room. Zayn loved them.

"Yeah, I did, actually," Harry said. "I was wondering... would you like to do something with me later?"

I swallowed. Harry wanted to do something with me? He was basically betraying Zayn. I stood up and started to take out the bread from the pantry so I could make myself a sandwich. "Um... what sort of thing did you have in mind?" I took out the ham and cheese and lettuce.

"Well, maybe we could see a movie or something and go out to lunch?" he said on the other line. I slowly started putting all of my sandwich ingredients back where I found them. If we were going out for lunch, I shouldn't make myself a sandwich. I shouldn't have been freaking out as much as I was. Besides, if he was taking this outing seriously, we would go out to dinner. "Or maybe we should go out to dinner?"

I almost spit out the water I was drinking. "Um, well, uh..." I stuttered. That meant Harry liked me. Friends go on lunch dates. People that are thinking of being more than friends go on dinner dates.

"Dinner it is," Harry said slyly on the other end of the line. "I'll pick you up at seven. Wear something nice."

I hung up as fast as I could and held my head in my hands. What was going on? Was Harry really thinking straight? He couldn't like me. I couldn't like him. I liked Zayn. Wait, no I didn't. I was the one that dumped Zayn. Hell, I was pretty sure he was going to dump me soon enough if I hadn't taken charge and broken up with him the horrible night we were stuck inside the elevator in Ireland.

I ran into my room and tried to look for something to wear. I dug through my closet and didn't like what I saw. After about twenty minutes, I finally settled on a pair of high-waisted jeans, a pair of white converse, and a long-sleeved striped maroon and white shirt. I sighed in relief, knowing that I had something to wear.

But then I realized- Harry said to wear something nice. What exactly did he mean by nice? Like, dressy nice, or casual nice? I decided to stick with the outfit I had just picked out. If when Harry came to pick me up, it wasn't nice enough, I could always change. Hopefully I wouldn't have to.

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