Chapter 15

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Harry touched his lips and looked at them as if he were expecting something to be there. Zayn had already walked out. He ran out, actually, and I ran outside after him. I could feel my dress getting a little tight suddenly, and my face got hot. I knew I wasn't kissing Zayn as soon as I set my lips on Harry's. I had a feeling that I was doing something wrong.

"Zayn!" I yelled. He was running across the street into a drugstore to get a pack. I ran after him, and I could see Harry walking out of the doorway. "Go away, you ruin everything!" I yelled to Harry. He shook his head as if to say "no," but I turned around so I wouldn't look at him anymore. I tried not too be too angry at Harry, because it wasn't his fault. I could hear him run back into the apartment, the door closing hard and the stereo boomed.

I caught Zayn running out of the drugstore with about a dozen cigarette packs in his hand. He carried his lighter in his left hand and ran into an alley. "Zayn, wait!" I ran behind him and caught him throwing the pile of cigarettes onto the floor and creating a bonfire. He turned to me when he saw me. Smoke was flying everywhere. His eyes weren't filled with tears like I expected them to be. He looked strong, almost. Independent.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I asked you first."

I looked at my blistered feet. It felt as if they were burning away from my stiletto heels. Why was I wearing them, anyways? Who did I have to impress? I ripped them off and threw them onto the sidewalk. "I'm just coming to see what you were doing with fucking three packs of cigarettes?" There was smoking flying into the air. I started to cough because the smell was strong. Zayn just stood there. He decided to go for a different look with his hair. He took a tiny bit of gel and tousled his hair a bit, his hair almost black. He hadn't shaved in a while, and his stubble was almost sexy. Really sexy. I looked at my phone. It was 12:56.

"Do you want to know what I was doing?" I asked him.

"Tell me the honest truth." He looked at the ground and then back at the burning pile of rolled up tobacco. He whispered something, but I couldn't hear it.

"I was outside and I was thinking of the night we..."

"I don't believe you. Why did you kiss Harry?" Zayn looked at his hands for a second. That told me that he was getting uncomfortable. Harry was his best friend. Why would I kiss him? I didn't know the answer, either. Honestly, in my mind, I liked kissing Harry... even though I didn't mean to do it. I don't think I would do it again, either.

"It's dark in there, Zayn," I said. "You can't tell one person from another when you're walking around in there."

"I'm still mad," he said, looking at me. "I can't forgive you that easily. You just kissed my best friend."

"Fine. Do you want to get even?" I asked. "Find a pretty girl in there and kiss her. But I'm only giving you five seconds to kiss her, because I only kissed Harry for about five seconds."

Zayn licked his lips and nodded. "Fine. Then we'll be even." I realized then and there that I had made a mistake. What was I doing? I basically just gave my boyfriend permission to let him kiss a girl that he thought was hot... And it wasn't going to be me. But I couldn't show signs of jealousy. I couldn't show signs of weakness. "Go ahead in, then," I said, Zayn ran across the street. As he was running, a piece of paper that sort of reminded me of a note dropped out of his left pant leg. I picked it up and ran to Zayn and handed it to him. "You dropped this," I said quietly. He took it without saying thank you and made a face like he almost didn't want me to see it.

"That girl over there," Zayn said, pointing to a blonde girl. It was Perrie. "Zayn... I don't know..."

"It's just a little kiss," he said. "You were the one that suggested I do this."

I looked at him with a worried face. Zayn looked at Perrie earlier with a face that would make you believe that he was checking her out. And not just checking her out, but he was looking at her butt, too, and biting his lip. Honestly, I got a bit jealous. Zayn hadn't looked at me like that in a long time, and I remember back in the fall, we would be in the living room, and he would look at me like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. When I saw him look at Perrie like that, I felt like I was about to cry. "Make it quick," I said, licking my lips and watching him walk over to Perrie and place his lips on her. She looked surprised at first, but then she closed her eyes and kissed him back. It had been about ten seconds and they kept kissing. "Alright Zayn, I gave you enough time, lets go," I said. But he still kept kissing her. Fifteen seconds. Twenty. Thirty. I had had enough. "ZAYN!" I yelled. I had given him twenty five extra seconds, and they were kissing like they have loved each other their whole lives. I pulled Perrie off of him and she turned around and slapped me in the face, her big blue eyes glowing and her blonde hair a mess from Zayn's fingers playing with it.

I could feel the tears threatening to come. "What the..." I said. I looked at Zayn. "Bella, I'm sorry..." Zayn started to say. But I shook my head and interrupted him.

"I said I was sorry, too, but you just had to get even with me!" I said. I could then see Perrie's boyfriend scolding her, also, then looking back at Zayn and giving him a stern look. "What the hell were you thinking, man?" Lionel asked, walking dangerously close to Zayn. "Woah man, back off, I thought she was my girlfriend..."

"You're seriously using that excuse?" I asked Zayn. Then I looked at Lionel's face, tears threatening to come down his ruddy red cheeks. He almost looked like a little boy. "We had a deal that since I kissed Harry, he could kiss a girl of his choice so that we could 'get even.'" I looked back at Zayn. "And not until now I realized that I had made a terrible mistake." Lionel put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Bella," he started.

I faced him. "No, it's not okay!" I said. Then I looked at Perrie. She gave me a look like she owned everything I used to own now, particularly Zayn. "Aren't you mad that the person you thought would trust you doesn't trust you anymore?" I asked Lionel. But I knew Zayn and Perrie could hear me.

My fist was ready to punch. My heart told me not to, but my brain said yes. My hand hit Perrie's face and sent her flying into the ground, blood gushing from her nose and Lionel running over to help her. "Don't help her," I said to Lionel. "Why would you help someone that doesn't love you anymore?"

I pulled out a cigarette I found in my back pocket and handed it to Zayn. "You can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves."

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