Chapter 12

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Settle down with me... Cover me up... Hold me in your arms... 

"I'm in love now," Zayn drunkenly said, leaning against the chair. A beer was in his left hand and he was singing "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. "You're fallen in love!" 

I laughed at Zayn's singing. His voice was beautiful even though he wasn't trying hard. "You should become a singer, Zayn!" I said. I held his hand but he let go, looking at the girl next to me. She handed me a cigarette, but I said no and she passed it onto Zayn. He took out the lighter in his back pocket and lit it and strated to smoke. "Zayn, I thought you were going to stop?" I said. 

"This girl here doesn't care if I smoke or not," he said. "You always care about what I do and what I don't do. I'm twenty. I can do what I want."

No I just want to hold ya...

I woke up in Zayn's arms, just like I fell asleep. He was mumbling the words to "Give Me Love." Even though his eyes were closed, his lips were moving. It was 12:00 AM. I slept that whole day and didn't even realize it. Harry was gone, his peacoat wasn't laying on the floor anymore, and his shoes were picked up and probably put on his feet. I couldn't smell cigarette smoke anymore, but I could see a packet on my nightstand. "Zayn, wake up baby," I said. His eyes opened and he smiled when he saw me. "I had I weird dream," I said. "I dreamt that a girl, other than me, handed you a cigarette, and when I held your hand, you let go."

"That's not going to happen," he said. He kissed my head. "I can't imagine falling in love with a girl other than you."

I grinned and nuzzled into his chest. "Don't go back to sleep," Zayn said. "We need to talk for a second. About Carly."

I looked at him. "Zayn, I really don't think we are ready." I sat up. "I mean, look at this place. It's not fit for a baby."

"Then let's move," he said. He sat up with me. "You have enough money, right? I have enough money. We can pitch in and buy a new apartment. A flat, even." I sighed. "Zayn, I don't know if I'm ready for a baby," I said. "I am too young. We are both way to young for this..."

"Yes, we are," he said. "But that's what makes it all the more fun."

"Zayn, it's a baby, not a toy. It's not suppossed to be fun. Plus, its mother is dead. Think- she won't be with Niall, or her mother. We don't have the right to take her away from Niall."

"But isn't he the one that made the suggestion?" Zayn said. He was getting dressed, slipping on a brown sweater (he never wears sweaters) and some jeans (and a belt...?). "Where are you going?" I commanded.

"To see Carly. And Niall. We told him that we'd come see him tomorrow, but we were asleep. I'm not tired anymore."

"But Zayn, it's 12:10!" 

"So?" he said, slipping on his jacket and some brown boots. His hair was sort of flat-looking but his amazing bone structure made up for it. All I wanted to do was kiss him right now. But all he wanted to do was go and see a baby that's not even ours. "Are you coming?"

"No," I said, jumping back into bed. Zayn's body heat was still enclosed in the covers.

I hear a faint crying sound coming from the other room. "She'll be okay here," I hear a thick Irish accent whisper. My eyes shot open and the clock read 4:03 AM. "Zayn?" I tiredly called. "What's going on?"

He ran into the room, carrying a small baby. It was Carly. I gasped. "Zayn!" I said.

"She's ours..." he said quietly. "She's ours."

The car was zooming past hundreds of other cars on the highway. "Bella!" Zayn said. I was laying on his lap. Harry was driving. "Niall ran away. We are going to try to find him." 

I sat up straight.

"And he has the baby."

I looked out the window and at the snowy night. The trees were white with frost and I could see my breath even in the semi-warm car. I heard Harry grumble somthing like "I wish I had a cigarette."

"Why did you take me?" I asked. 

"Because Niall is your friend, too. He's my friend, too, and Harry's, and Liam's, and Louis's." Zayn sighed and touched my hand, but I pulled away. I was very confused and not sure why they pulled me into this. I had been getting much sleep, though, and I kind of needed to get out of my apartment. School started in three weeks, and I stopped working because I was getting bored with my job. I had enough money, and my parents were still sending me fifty dollars a week to help me out a little bit until I finished my freshman year of college. 

"This is all so sudden," I said. "When will we be back home?" I asked. "And what day is it? What time is it?" I pondered out loud.

Zayn answered all my questions. He told me that when I fell back asleep at 12:10, he got a call from Harry saying that Niall wasn't at his apartment or at the hospital, and no one had seen him since the other day. Carly was missing, too, and so were some of Niall's clothes. His door to his flat was left wide open, and some of his clothes were on the floor. The fridge was almost empty and the sheets had been ripped off of the bed. 

At 2:35 AM, Zayn and Harry went to Niall's house to check out the scene. They found a pocture of Niall and I ripped in half, and a pillow was missing off of his bed. There were a couple of beer bottles smashed on the floor, and there was only a half-full milk carton in the trash barrell. 

Zayn and Harry headed back to my flat and put me in Harry's car, locking up my flat tight and throwing out all the food that might be spoiled by the time we got back... if we got back. 

It was 4:57 now, and it was January fifth.

"Does that explain much?" Zayn said. I nodded. "Now, will you let me kiss you?"


We kissed, and Zayn's lips were cold for once. I touched his face and noticed that he had not shaven in a while. His breath was fresh and I was worried that mine smelt like shit, since I had been sleeping for a while. Zayn bit my lip a little bit. He knew that turned me on, and even though some people don't like it when the person that they're kissing bites them, I love it. He then touched my hand that was one his face and put it on his chest. He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes. They looked sad. "I hope we find him, and Carly," he said. 

"Me too," I said, laying on his hard chest. I didn't fall back asleep, but instead listened to Zayn's heavy breathing and Harry's mumbling.

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