Chapter 32 [Part 4 of Bella's P.O.V]

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Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a great rest of the summer. I have been doing great and I, unfortunately, have started up school again and also have not been writing for about a month and a half which I greatly regret. I am starting up again now and I apologize very much for the inconveniece.

For those of you that know me you know that I don't usually use big words like that I'M LAUGHING I SOUNDED ALL OFFICIAL AND STUFF HAHAHAHA OMG ok ok so yeah just read this chapter and comment and vote and all that stuff OK BYE


@doncashart on Twitter



I could see Harry's bright green eyes from the inside of his car. I swallowed and immediately got butterflies in my stomach. How was I suppossed to tell him about Carly? I wasn't exactly sure if he would get angry with Zayn or try and help him.

When I got in the car I just broke down. I told Harry everything. I wasn't exactly sure why I was crying- it was either because I was worried about Niall more than ever now or that I was sad about not being with Zayn anymore. 

"It's ok, Bella," Harry would tell me every few seconds. I knew he felt bad for me, a lot, but I wasn't exactly sure he knew how to help me. "I know it's been a tough year for you. It has been for all of us. But don't let this get to you, ok? It's just a bump in the road. I can help you."

I stopped crying for a moment and looked at Harry. Maybe he did know how to help me. "H-How?" I asked. He asked me to get out of the car for a second and told me to sit in the passenger's seat so he could drive. I reluctantly gave him the keys and went to sit in the passenger's seat, laying my head on the middle console and falling asleep quickly. 

When I woke up I was in a bed. It wasn't mine. I looked at the clock- 3:07. It was still dark out, so I was assuming it was still night, technically morning. I turned on my right side and came face-to-face with a shirtless Harry. At least I hoped he was only shirtless. His arms were tangled together and his hair was a mess. But it was cute. 

I still had my shirt and jeans on. I was hot and a little uncomfortable. I thought about taking my jeans off, but ultimately decided that it was a bad idea since I was what I was assuming was Harry's bed.

Instead I got up and looked around his apartment. It was definitely messy- his clothes and shoes were sprawled all over the floor and the dishes in his sink were piling up. The living room wasn't that bad though- the pillows were in the right place and the couch looked new. There was a small TV on what looked like a nightstand in front of the couch, and a picture of a smiling Harry and Liam sat above the chair in the corner. I smiled. 

I turned around and saw that Harry had many pictures of him and his friends in his house. Near the kitchen table, there was a photo of Harry and Louis, their arms slung around each other and goofy grins plastered on their faces. It looked like it was taken quite some time ago, since they both had intense baby faces in this picture, more than usual. To the right of that picture was a picture of Harry and Niall. They both were wearing what looked like window drapes, and a pretty blonde girl stood in the middle of them. What they were doing wearing curtains was beyond me. Probably some joke in school. 

The last picture on that wall was of Harry and Zayn. Harry was looking at Zayn and Zayn was looking at Harry. Harry was making a serious face and Zayn looked like he was laughing. This picture was taken very recently, and I could tell- Zayn had his blonde streak and Harry's hair was shorter than it was, say, six months ago. That meant Zayn was dating me at the time this picture was taken.

I took the picture off of the wall and looked at it some more. I turned it over. Someone had signed something on the back. "To my two favorite boys," it said in curvy handwriting. "But of course, you're my favorite :) -Danae."

I almost dropped the picture on the cold kitchen floor. When I did, I could hear bed sheets rustling in the other room. Harry got up and walked into the kitchen, running a hand through his hair. He was only wearing boxers.

I picked up the photograph from the ground and showed him the back of it. I pointed to the girly handwriting, making it obvious that I was ticked off with Harry. "Explain," I said in an assertive voice.

"What?" Harry said in his morning voice. Rephrase that: sexy morning voice. But I was mad at him. 

"Why did Danae give you this picture?" 

Harry's eyes immediately widened. "What were you doing going through my stuff?" Harry said. 

"I was not going through you stuff," I said, placing the picture and its frame on the kitchen table. "This picture was on your wall. Technically, you left it out for everyone to see."

"Yeah, well not that part," he said, running another hand through his hair. "Listen, just forget about this, ok? It was a long time ago. Aren't you tired?"

"Not anymore!" I shouted. "Do you do this with all of Zayn's girlfriends? You know this makes you seem like a major douche, right? And how can I just 'forget this'? Zayn dated this girl for two years, and even dated her while he started dating me! I deserve an explanation!"

Harry sat on one of the barstools at his counter and breathed in heavily. "Alright, ok, you want a story?" he asked. I nodded. "Your loss."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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