Chapter 23

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The elevator was fixed, but I wasn't. Bella made me get another room for myself, and no one helped me pay for it. I told her I didn't have enough money for it and that I needed to just stay with them. "No," she demanded in a harsh voice. "There's no way I'm sleeping in the same room as you." 

I only knew one other place to go. Eoghan's.

I packed up all my stuff. "Where are you going?" Bella asked me before I could slam the door in her face. 

"I'm going to Eoghan's," I said. I didn't feel like explaining to her who it was, so I closed the door and walked down the stairs. I expected her to come after me. But she didn't. I even sat on the stairs for a couple moments before I left the building entirely. I stepped out the hotel doors and walked into the dark town. I remember where Eoghan's house was located, and I estimated that it would take at least a good fifteen minutes to walk there. Eight to run. I started to walk slowly and tried to figure out what I was going to do and how to get home.

I didn't come to a conclusion by the time I reached Eoghan's house. I found Eoghan sitting on the steps, smoking a cigarette he claimed to have found in his mom's purse. I smiled and sat next to him. He took out a whole package and handed me one. "So I see you came crawling back to me," Eogahn said silently. 

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, smiling. "Bella and I got into a pretty big fight about two hours ago. We were stuck in the elevator at my hotel."

"That doesn't sound good!" Eoghan said, putting out his cigarette. He threw it on the street and watched a big green pick-up truck run over it. "What exactly did she say?"

"She said shit like I was 'too complicated' for her," I said. 

"Guess you need to find a girl a little complicated for you to make things really work!" Eoghan said, a twinge of laughter in his voice. I agreed with him, and realized that Bella was the one that was actually being quite complicated. One minute she told me she loved me, and another she told me she wanted to break up. It was a never-ending rollercoaster ride being in love with Bella. Why hadn't I broken up with her earlier?


It was a never-ending rollercoaster ride being in love with Zayn. Why hadn't I broken up with him earlier? I lay on my bed in silence, listening to Harry's snoring. Being stuck in an elevator with Zayn for an hour and a half made me sick to my stomach, and now I had to listen to Harry snore? 

The alarm clock on the nightstand read 4:06. I rolled my eyes and tried to nestle back into the covers. "Harry," I said silently as a weak attempt to wake him up. "Haaaaarrrryyyy," I said a little louder. I heard him sigh and roll on his side.

"What?" he said in a groggy voice. 

"I want to go back home."

Harry rolled back on his side to face me. "Bella, are you kidding me? We only just got here. And we have to find Niall."

"Well, maybe I don't want to find Niall," I said, getting up and slipping my jeans back on. "Zayn left. We broke up. And-"

"Wait, what?" Harry asked, interupting me. "Zayn left? You guys broke up?"

"Yeah," I said. "And I have absolutely no regrets."


"And I have absolutely no regrets," I told Eoghan, walking up his wooden stairs and into his room. 

"But isn't she the one that broke up with you?" Eoghan said, sitting on his creaky bed. He motioned for me to sit on his armchair in the corner of his room, and I gladly sat. My head was starting to hurt a lot lately, and I was taking pills to help the pain.

"Yeah. But usually I'm the one that stops it from happening. This time, I didn't."


"Yeah. But usually I'm the one that stops it from happening. This time, I didn't," I said. Harry and I sat on his bed, talking about Zayn's smoking habits and what he was going to do without me nagging him all the time about when to smoke and when not to smoke. "He's so inconsderate. One of these days, he's going to get sick and I won't be there to help him. No one will."

"That's a little harsh, Bella, don't you think?" Harry asked me, pushing his hair back. I bit my lip. He looked really sexy for someone that just woke up, and I never really realized that about him.

"No. Not at all. I used to love him, but now I don't. I'm positive."


"No. Not at all. I used to love her, but now I don't. I'm positive." I lay on Eoghan's bed, my face buried in his pillow. His bed was big enough for both of us to fit, and I hadn't gotten much sleep that night anyways, so why not take a short nap to get my mind off of things?

"I know you still love her. You can't lie to me. I read minds!" Eoghan said, putting his pointer finger up to his left temple. I laughed. "No, I don't actually. I've been thinking, and I realized that we never really knew each other that well."

"I guess that's true, if you think so," Eoghan said. "But I never really met her. What was she like?" 

"Are you really going to make me explain?" I said softly.


"Are you really going to make me explain?" I told Harry. I slipped on my brown jacket and stepped outside of the hotel room. Harry and I had been talking for hours, and it was already eight o'clock and time to eat some breakfast. Harry had asked me all the reasons why I had broken up with Zayn, and I don't think I was ready to tell him yet.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Harry said.

I sighed. "No, it's okay. I kind of feel like I have to get it off my chest, anyways."


"No, it's okay. I kind of feel like I have to get it off my chest, anyways." Eoghan had asked me why Bella had broken up with me in the first place. There were many reasons, and I told him that the main reason was that I had another girlfriend when we first started dating, obviously referring to Danae. He also asked me why I didn't just break up with Danae in the first place, and I had hesitated at first, but then I started to speak. "Well, it's a long story." I sat down next to him and started to talk.


"Well, it's a long story."  I sat down next to him and started to talk. Harry asked me why Zayn and I hadn't broken up earlier, and I told him that we thought we loved each other too much to not break up. But in both our heads, we sort of knew that we didn't want to be together. Well, in mine, at least.

"At first, I thought that the only thing Zayn wanted was sex."


"At first, I thought that the only thing Danae wanted was sex." Eoghan looked at me with intent green eyes. He was chewing on his thumb, causing it to turn red. "Danae was nice, but she was a little too touchy-feely for my taste. She would always try and kiss me and take my shirt off while I was doing the simplest things, like trying to take a nap on the sofa or using the computer. She was very pretty and outgoing, but a little wild for what I liked in a girl. But there was always something in her that told me that she was the one that I would love for the rest of my life. 

"She loved to cook... She loved to sing. She would give me compliments every other second about how good I looked, how good I made her feel. I never felt uncomfortable around her."

"Must've been nice to have a girl that adored you to death, wasn't it?" Eoghan asked. He stopped chewing his thumb while he asked me the question. "I only had one girl in my life, and she wasn't as nice as your girl sounds."

"It's not that Danae was nice. She wasn't even considered nice by most of the people around her, including my friends." I stopped talking for a second and looked out Eoghan's window, starting to get tired eyes. I closed my eyes before I could continue my sentence, and I woke up to Eoghan's hands slapping my face and demanding me to wake up.

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