Chapter 13

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We decided to stop at a motel at 10:00. I didn't fall asleep because I had basically slept for two days in a row. Zayn had fallen asleep, though. I notied that when his breathing got a bit slower and when I tried to talk to him, he didn't answer. I had a feeling that he hadn't gotten much sleep, and neither had Harry. Harry would yawn every five minutes and he made me yawn, too, except I wasn't the least bit tired. I took out my phone at about 6:00 and stayed on Twitter until it was on the verge of dying. I didn't want it to die completely unless I needed to make an emergency call, since I hadn't brought my charger. 

"Here we are," Harry said, pulling into the motel. It looked dirty, but I could see that Harry really wanted to sleep. We checked in and tried to get one of the nicer rooms. Our room was acceptable- the sheets looked clean and the rug wasn't gross and crusty like other motel rooms. The room didn't smell too bad, either- instead, it smelled like Febreeze. Harry jumped onto one of the beds and fell right asleep, his eyes closing automatically and light snoring escaped from his mouth.

Zayn drowsily fell back asleep, and I wasn't tired, so I thought about what I should do. I eyed Harry's keys on the night stand. "Harry, can I take a drive to get something to eat?" I asked. Harry nodded, even though he was basically  asleep. I ran over, grabbed the keys, and jumped into the car.

I took a drive to get some gas and a couple water bottles and snacks. While I was there, my phone decided to ring. I only had 10% battery life and I was hesitant to answer until I saw who was calling me. It was Niall.

"Niall?" I said, breathing loudly. I could hear him breathing, too, and I could hear someone, or something, crying in the background. Was it Carly? "Bella, I need help," he said, trying to talk over the rasping noise. "Where are you, Niall?" I asked him. I stepped outside without even asking for a bag to put all the stuff I bought in. "Harry, Zayn, and I have been worried sick!"

"I'm back in Ireland. I tried to run back home, maybe to stay with one of my relatives, but no one's here," he said. "It reminds me of when I ran away when I was younger... I was all alone..."

I shook my head. "Niall! You are such an idiot!" I cried. "You put both you and Carly in huge trouble!" I couldn't believe Niall was selfish enough to put him and his baby in danger. Carly could get sick, just like Niall sister! She was a premature baby! "Niall, Carly's a premature baby!" I said. I could almost feel the stares on me as I yelled into my phone. 

"I know, I know," he said. "And I've made a huge mistake."

"Niall, this is probably one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made!" I yelled. People were starting to come up to me now and ask me if I was alright. I shooed them away and stepped into my car where I could talk in private. "And don't blame me for not taking Carly- it's definitely not my fault for not wanting a child while I'm still in college!" 

I hear a click on the other line. "Hello?" I said. There was no more crying. The sound of Niall's breathing faded away with his voice. "Hello?" I said once more. He hung up on me... or maybe someone else did. I started the car and drove back to the motel, finding Harry still asleep on the bed, but Zayn texting someone on his phone. He smiled when he saw me enter the room. 

"There's my girl," he said, getting up to hug me. I hugged him back, but as gently as I could. I didn't want to push him away from me, because I knew he was trying to help, but I really just needed to be alone. He looked at me straight in the eyes and knew something was wrong right away. "What's the matter?" he asked. 

"Niall's in Ireland," I said. Zayn widened his eyes. "What the fuck is he doing there?" he asked. I shook my head. "I don't know," I said. I sat on the bed and Zayn sat down with me. I started to cry. I was sick and tired of having to take care of Niall. I was sick and tired of having him be my responsibilty. I just wanted to be back home in Bradford, getting my advertising degree. Come to think of it, I'd actually rather be anywhere besides Bradford. Maybe a nice cottage somewhere in Wales, or an apartment in London. Zayn could get  a job somewhere, and we wouldn't have to worry about Niall...

"I know what you're thinking right now, and I don't like it," Zayn said.

"How can you tell what I'm thinking?" I said. 

"By your facial features," he said. He took my hand in his and looked me straight in the eyes. "It'll be okay, I promise. We will find Niall and we will teach him to never make the same mistake again, even if it means hurting him."

"What do you mean?" I asked, letting go of his warm hand. "We're going to... hurt him?"

"Let's go out tonight, you obviously seem stressed," he said. He looked at Harry knocked out on the bed and took out his phone again. "I just got in touch with a friend of mine that lives in the area. He's having a party tonight and he wants me to go."

"Are Harry and I invited?" I asked.

"Harry and you are, but I'm not sure Harry wants to go."

I laughed a little. He did look quite tired. Zayn smirked at me. "Just wear a cute little dress or something. You packed one, didn't you?" 

"Are you kidding me!" I said. I looked down at my ripped jeans and my maroon hoodie. "I didn't pack anything!"

Zayn chuckled. "Oh yeah. Sorry babe, I forgot."

"Can we please go shopping for something?" I asked. I had spotted a little boutique a couple streets down from the gas station. 

"Of course," Zayn said. He grabbed the car keys. I bought a little tight red number with a low-cut top. I also bought some silver heels and put my hair up in a messy bun.

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