1 (Part 1)

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I walked into my brother's lab urgently. Well, it's not really a lab, more like a junkyard really. There are scraps of metal everywhere and every time you walk by it, it sounds like the Mechanics. You can always hear the clanking of metal or the heavy scream of a chainsaw. The small explosion noise the blowtorch makes whenever you turn it on. And of course, the blasting sounds of AC/DC.

"Tony, I'm tired of you keeping secrets from me twenty-four seven. So I am finally going to ask, Why have you been acting so weird? I can tell you are hiding some-" I paused as I spotted his new invention sitting on his table. It looked more like a necklace than an invention actually, but you could spot the tech and wired stuff leaking from inside it. "What is that?"

"The answer to your question, actually. I was going to talk to you about it once I was finished but I didn't know it would take this long and if it was ready."  Tony told me.

"Yeah, but what is it?" I asked again

"I'm getting to that." He said, giving me a 'be patient' type look "Over the past couple of months, since the battle with Ultron, I've been working on something," What a shocker, he is always working on something . "Ever since Dr. Helen Cho's Regeneration Cradle malfunctioned and you got hit by the blast, while you were out, I took some blood tests and I studied it for a while and found some particles that, well, they aren't exactly from here. I don't know where they are from, but they are unidentifiable."He told me. "So that Necklace thing is kind of like a power dampener. Once the Necklace is finished, you have to wear it, just in case your power is something explosive." 

"So.. You are saying when I got hit, it gave me superpowers?" I asked, trying to comprehend everything. Tony nodded. "What superpowers?" I asked, eagerly

"One step at a time, Miss Stark. I don't know, We still have to figure it out and in order to do that, we need to run some tests." Tony told me. I listened to every other piece of information he told me, still trying to take it all in. 

A.N: Okayyy! How do we feel so far? I feel like this chapter is kind of rushed but it gets the point across. 

I will probably publish at least 5 chapters today just to get the story up and running. 

Anyways, have a nice day luvs <3 *virtual hugs*

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