2 (Part 1)

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I opened my eyes, expecting to see Steve or Tony standing there, but they weren't. I was someplace else. Some place I've never seen before. I don't know where I am. 

"S-Steve? Nat! Sam!" I shouted as I looked around

"Um, Hello?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to face them. "Are you okay?" I noticed their British accent as they asked. I quickly stood to my feet since I had previously been sitting on the ground. It was a girl with long, brown hair. She was fairly tall, and was skinny. She also looked like she could be around my age. At least eighteen.

"I-I'm lost. Can you tell me where I am?" I asked the girl

"Kribirsk." She answered "Are you hurt?" I looked at my shoulder, that had been bothering me, the sleeve of my shirt was wet with blood. I lifted the collar of my shirt, checking the wound beneath it.

"Uh yeah, I think I just need some stitches." I said

"What happened?" The girl asked

"I was at a UN signing and it was attacked. There was an explosion and I guess some flying debris hit my shoulder and cut me." I saw a look of confusion spread across her face before she said

"I'm sorry about that. Now, let's get back to my camp and we can get you fixed up. I'm Alina. Alina Starkov."

"I'm Madison. Madison Stark." I chuckled about how similar our names were.


Alina took me to the medical tent- in what looked like an old fashioned army base-, that at first glance, didn't look very medical. They quickly sat me down and told me to wait a second before they worked on me. Alina said she would wait outside since I didn't know anyone else there. A female medic came back, but she didn't have any equipment with her.

"Try not to move, and it won't scar." She told me. I nodded, still unsure of what was going on. She held up her hand, leaving space in between the wound and her hand. Suddenly I felt a warm, tingly sensation on my shoulder. A couple minutes later, the warm feeling went away and she said she was done. I quickly checked under neath my shirt, and to my surprise my wound was gone.

Alina was outside waiting for me like she said she would be. "How do you feel?" She asked

"Good. I'm just a bit confused.. How did she do that? She didn't use a needle or anything!" I said starstruck. Alina chuckled.

"Have you never heard of a Grisha?" She laughed, but I'm not sure she actually meant it as a question "She is a Healer. It's her Job." Alina explained. I nodded, still confused.

"Alina!" A voice rang from behind us. Me and Alina both turned around to see a handsome boy, also around our age. He was tall and muscular-which I could very easily tell because he wasn't wearing a shirt, which was honestly quite distracting- he also had brown eyes, and a very short buzz-cut.

"Mal!" Alina smiled. He began jogging over to us.

"Who's this?" He asked, looking over to me.

"This is-"

"I'm Madison.. Stark." I smiled, putting out my hand for him to shake

"I'm Malyen Oretsev. But everyone calls me 'Mal'" He shook my hand "What unit are you in?" He suddenly asked. "I've never seen you around before."

"What?" I asked, my eyebrows raising.

"She isn't in a unit," Alina said for me "At least I don't think so. I found her hurt in the woods this morning."

"Oh." Mal raised an eyebrow. We all began walking again. "Where are you from?"

"Uhm, You wouldn't know it. It's really really far from here." Wherever we are.. I thought the last part.

"Well, I could tell that. Your accent is completely different from the rest of ours." Mal chuckled. He was right. Everyone here, that I've met so far, has had a British accent (or something similar). 

"And try me. I'm a mapmaker. I've studied hundreds of maps." Alina added "Where are you from?"

"Fine," I sighed "I'm from New York. Although I just came from Vienna." I saw the confusion spread across both of their faces, causing me to laugh. "I told you, you wouldn't know it!"

Eventually, we ended up in another tent and Mal left us. Alina gave me a change of her clothes so I could 'fit in' better. 

A.N: Yayyyy! Longer Chapter! How do we feel so far (about anything)? 

Madison crossed into the 'Shadow and Bone' world just in case anyone wasn't sure. The book trilogy is amazing and the show on Netflix is *chefs kiss* GO CHECK IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T! <3  

Next Chapter is Tony's POV!!!

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