2 (Part 2)

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Tony's POV

 "What do you mean you lost her, Cap? She couldn't just vanish!"

"Tony, that's what I'm trying to tell you but there is no trace of her." Steve said

"OK, walk me through it one more time." I sighed, putting my head in my hands

"Well, I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened, but I talked to Prince T'challa, he said he was talking to Madison before the explosion and she wasn't seated that far away from him either. Then when everyone cleared out, he didn't see her. Anywhere."

"Bingo!" I said when the thought came to me "It's just a hunch but, Cap, I think we just found her power."

"What?" Steve asked, confusion filling his voice

"Teleportation." I said "Do you know if she had her phone on her?"

"Not sure." Steve sighed.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, track Madison's location." I said, aloud. A couple seconds later, F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke back.

"I found a location, Sir. She is on a train in Budapest, Hungary. The train's next stop is Oradea, Romania."

"Where does it look like she's going?" I asked after.

"After that, the next train is headed to Bucharest, Romania."

"Who's headed to Romania?" A voice said from behind. Pietro. Or as I like to call him Thing One.

"It doesn't matter." I said, shrugging him off.

"OK then.. Is Madison back yet?" Pietro asked

"No... And I'm not sure she will be for a while. " I answered


"She got.. Held up."

"By what? Is she in the hospital? Did something happen during the explosion?" Pietro asked in a worried tone. Did I forget to mention Madison and Pietro are best friends.

"No. She is fine, kid." Steve told him

"Then what happened? Why won't you guys tell me anyth-" Pietro paused "Is she in the one going to Romania?"  I sighed.

"We think." I couldn't lie to the kid anymore. He would've found out eventually.

"Why would she be going to Romania?" Pietro asked

"Dunno. Maybe when she teleported she ended up on some random train on the way there."

"Wait, wait! Teleported?" Pietro raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Teleported! Keep up, Thing one!"

"Well, should we follow her?" Steve asked me

"Definitely." I nodded "Just me and Steve, though." I clarified.

"What! Come on!" Pietro huffed.

"Just stay here and we will be back before you know it. If anyone asks where we are, just tell them." I told Pietro. Pietro nodded, reluctantly, before leaving the room. 

A.N: I love a good Pietro and Madison friendship! I know we really haven't seen it yet, but I promise, I will. 

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