6(part 3)

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Once I felt the carriage come to a stop, I waited for the people to get off before moving to get out of the carriage. I felt some movement in the back and froze for a bit before realizing it was Alina. I felt her jump out and I teleported out, next to her. I then looked in front of me and spotted, who I suppose were the three that had been driving the carriage.

"We don't won't any trouble." Said the man, who I supposed was Jesper.

"Neither do we." Alina told them, her hands up, showing we meant no harm.

"So if you could let go of your weapon that would be.. wonderful." I said to Jesper. He had his hand on a gun that was strapped to his waist. He slowly let go at my request and put his hands up.

"Thank you," I nodded. "Now we will be on our way." I said and began to walk away slowly.

"Wait," The other man, who had a cane, said. "We can help you." He said, his face emotionless.

"We don't need help, thank you." Alina told him. "Now if you could please excuse us." I saw Jesper reach down for his gun, apparently Alina noticed it too because she lifted her hands up, ready to summon the sun.

"We don't want any trouble." Jesper repeated. I noticed the girl, who was standing beside Jesper, had been silent the whole time. She also had a look of awe on her face as she looked at Alina and I. I realized she and the other man were the guards from earlier. What were they doing? 

"Now, we are going to go." Alina stated. She wasn't looking for permission. Before we could peacefully leave, Jesper brought up his weapon. Before he could aim it, Alina summoned the light and blinded the two men. However, the girl that was with them put her hands up peacefully letting me and Alina run.

We made it to a small farmer market and decided to stay hidden-in plain sight- there. We found some jackets in one of the alleyways and put them on to help disguise us. As we walked through the farmers market, I noticed that Jesper was looking for us not too far away. I quickly grabbed Alina by the shoulders and turned her around.

"Is it them?" Alina asked.

"Just Jesper." I told her. Although I'm not sure if she knows which one is Jesper. I briefly looked at Jesper, he was talking to one of the shop owners most likely asking about me and Alina. I turned back around once I felt Alina walking forward. She picked up a Dragon fruit that was on the shelf in front of us.

"How much for this?" She asked the shop owner.

"Not for sale, you filthy Shu." He told her. I supposed that was a racist comment considering Alina's face had dropped at his words. She put the dragon fruit back in its place and walked back towards me.

"Give me some money, I'm gonna get that dragon fruit." I told Alina. She gave me a small smile before handing me the money she had in her pocket.

I grabbed the dragon fruit and held it up in the direction of the shop owner. "How much?" I asked, giving a fake British accent considering everyone else had one. I didn't want to stand out and draw any attention.

"Five." He simply answers. I hand him the money, take the dragon fruit, and bring it back towards Alina.

"Let's go." I told her. 

A.N: sorry, short chapter. I hope it doesn't feel rushed. *virtual hugs*

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