6(part 2)

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Instead of going to the dining hall, I went to the dressing room like I was supposed to. Surprisingly, No one was there. I shrugged it off before going to change into my other Kefta. Before I left the room, I went to fix my hair up but I was interrupted by a low creaking sound. I searched the room for where the sound came from when I saw Bahgra.


"Come quick, girl." She waved me over. "You are costing us time."

"What?" I hurried over to her.

"Your sun summoner friend has insisted you come with her." Bahgra continued.

"Bahgra, what are you talking about?"

"She is in danger, and if we wait here any longer, so are you." Bahgra grabbed my arm and pulled me with her into some secret passage. I suppose that was the source of the sound from before. Once I was inside, the passage closed behind us. I followed her down a dark corridor where we found Alina.

"Alina!" I said, out of relief. "What's going on?"

"The Darkling. He is planning to expand the fold. And use me to do so." She quickly explained as we continued down the corridor. Baghra, who was in front of us, suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

"This is where I leave you two. I can't go the whole way because then Aleksander will know I helped you." Baghra told us.

"Aleksander?" I asked.

"The Darkling." Alina simply answered. I nodded.

"Now, keep going straight then take a right. After you should have reached a door. On the other side are some of my most trusted students. They will help you the rest of the way," Baghra explained. "Now go. Don't trust anyone but each other and my students." She handed Alina a lantern and pushed us down the next corridor, closing the door behind us.

I went to take the right hall, like Baghra had said, when Alina stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What if Baghra is setting us up? What if she is just leading us straight to danger." Alina said.

"Come on, Alina, you can't possibly think that." I sighed.

"I just don't want to take that chance." She told me. "If you don't want to come with me it's fine." Alina then began walking the other way, "Oh," she stopped and turned around. "You are probably going to need this." She said, handing me the lantern. She then summoned the sun and walked the other way. I looked at the door that was down the hall, then looked back towards Alina.

"Hey!" I called out to her. "Wait up!" I jogged over to her and we went the rest of the way together.

We ended up outside in the front entrance. No one was outside so me and Alina ran towards the open carriage. There was an empty trunk in the back.

"Are we both going to fit?" I asked her.

"Let's find out." She said in a hurry. She got in but there wasn't enough room. I ended up teleporting inside the carriage hoping no one would come inside it.

"That went well, don't you think?" A man asked.

"Really, Jesper?" Said a familiar female voice.

"We lost her." Another man stated. He also had a familiar voice, but I shrugged it off. 

"Did we?" Jesper laughed.

"We don't know where she is." The other man said.

"Don't we?" Jesper laughed again. "Just ask."

"Jesper-" the other man started.

"Just ask." Jesper repeated. The carriage began to shake as the people got on it. "Just ask."

"Fine," the man sighed. "Do we have a fix on where the target is?" Jesper replied with a laugh before the carriage started moving forward. 

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