7 (part 1)

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Alina and I had eventually lost Jesper and the others. I slowed my pace and so did Alina. As we passed a small bar, a man stumbled back into me.

"Hey, watch it!" I told him. He looked mad at first but his mood quickly changed.

"Hello," he slurred. "How 'bout we head inside for a quick little drink? Have some fun." He suggested. He grabbed onto my wrist and began to pull me inside with him.

"Get off of her!" Alina pushed the man off me.

"Ah," he let out an amused sigh. "You want in on the action too I see" he smirked.

"Eww! As if!" I try to push him away, but he quickly grabs me again. I struggle to get out of his hold as another man comes out of the bar, grabbing Alina. They try to pull us into the bar with them but Alina quickly uses her powers to blind the man holding her. I teleport away from the man who was holding me and she blinds him too.

"It's the Sun Summoner!" I hear a man shout. I look at Alina with a look of worry before we both take off running. I hear the men shouting and running after us. I grab Alina's hand and suddenly make a sharp turn. I stop before quickly saying.

"I don't know if this will work, but hold on!" I tell her, still holding onto her hand. Before the men could reach us I teleported at least three buildings down and luckily Alina was still with me. She gave me a smile, clearly amazed that that worked.

"Hey! It's the Teleporter too!" I hear a shout, which snaps me back to reality. I had forgotten the situation we were in because I was so happy that I was able to teleport Alina with me. I quickly teleport again, this time farther away. We ended up in the woods and from there we kept running, considering we still heard voices coming from not too far away. We stumbled down a small hill, before hiding behind a fallen tree. I listened to the footsteps of the men pass by us. They even had dogs tracking our scent, but since I teleported they most likely lost our scents by now.

I heard Alina shuffle behind me. "Mal!" She gasped. I turned around and there he was. Mal had his hand at his mouth, 'shushing' us. He then signaled us to follow him.

Once we got far enough, we stopped to take a break. Alina sat down on a decent sized rock and Mal stayed standinding. He took out a small water canteen and handed it to me. None of us had talked until I finally got tired of the silence. "How did you find us?" I asked Mal as I took a sip of the water. I then handed it off to Alina.

"It wasn't that hard. I mean, for one I know how to track. And two, you two didn't really cover your tracks much. Anyone could've followed." Mal shrugged.

"You didn't have to be so harsh about it." I chuckled.

Mal let out a quick, breathy laugh. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know. I'm playing." I smiled at him before sitting down on a rock beside Alina. When Mal looked back at Alina, she was still taking sips of the water.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down." He said, stopping her. She pulled away from the canteen and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"So we're talking now?" She snapped at Mal, screwing the top of the canteen back on. Mal turned around to scout the area.

"We should be safe up here." He ignored Alina's question, causing her to throw the Canteen at his back.

"Oi!" He angrily turned back around to face her.

"Where've you been?" Alina stood up.

"I've been tracking you guys since the night at the fete." He replied. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to sit and watch what was happening like a creep, but there weren't many places to go considering we were in the middle of nowhere.

"So now I have your attention? It's been months, Mal! You didn't even bother to reply to a single one of my letters." Alina said angrily.

"I never heard a word from you and I wrote to you nearly every single day." Mal replied. I tried talking to Mal about this, but never bothered to talk to Alina about it. I knew Mal was writing, and I knew Alina was too. And I didn't tell her. How could I forget? I mean, I guess it is hard to explain to Alina that I'd been teleporting to see her best friend every night. It just sounds wrong when I put it like that.

"Sure you did." Alina let out a small laugh. "Some long heartfelt letters about your exploits with gorgeous squallers. Are you still afraid of Grisha?"

Mal's face saddened at Alina's words. "Only ones that keep secrets from me." He replied. "How long have you known?"

"That I was Grisha?" Alina asked in disbelief. "You thought I knew?"

"You cheated on the test when we were children! You cut your own hand!"

"Not because I knew, because I knew what would happen if I passed the test! They would've taken me away!"

"To the Little Palace, Alina!"

"They would've split us up!" Mal stayed silent, a small shocked expression on his face which then softened before he gave a light smile. Alina looked at him for a moment before pulling him into a hug.

Once I realized I had been staring at the two, I turned around minding my own business. 

A.N: Thank you guys so much for 2.8k reads! That's literally amazing! 

New Beginnings is also #2 (at the moment) in the Malyen Oretsev hashtag so that's awesome! Being in the Malyen Oretsev hashtag is also giving away a very obvious clue to possible potential love interest in this story if you guys are up for it ;) 

*virtual hugs* 

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