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After the fight at the airport, me and Nat left in a hurry and I understood why. Soon the authorities would come and arrest anyone left at the airport. We were fugitives. I wanted to go back for everyone else but I didn't have time. I doubt Pietro would've had a hard time escaping but there is no way he would leave without Wanda, and Wanda wouldn't leave without Clint or Vision, who they would've had no time to go back for. Me and Nat went to a secluded safe house that Nat claimed only she knew about, which was fine, till we ran out of food and couldn't go to a store and restock because then people would recognize us. Although, on the bright side we did last a good 6 weeks there. There were many times where Natasha told me it was alright If I wanted to go solo by myself, but I wasn't just going to leave her. She told me she was used to being alone, but that doesn't mean I was gonna leave her. I also don't think I could've survived without her on this one. She's been on the run a lot more times than me, meaning she is more experienced. I just hoped I wasn't causing her too much trouble.

One day, Nat told me she had called a friend, who had a place for us to stay for as long as we needed. So we left, and went there. It was a nice little camper deep in the middle of- who knows where. We literally only stayed there one day because the same night we got there, the generator went out, so Nat had to go get another battery. About 40 minutes later, I got a text from her saying she wasn't going to be returning for a while, leaving me alone.

I had nowhere else to go, so I teleported back to the compound. I hoped Tony wasn't there considering the last time I saw him, I kind of betrayed him. 

I was walking through the halls of the compound when I ran into him. I teleported back a bit, scared of what he might do.

"Oh Mads!" Tony said out of shock. "Where have you been?"

"It doesn't matter." I say, not wanting to expose Natasha's hiding place.

"Listen, you don't have to be all secretive. I'm not going to turn you in or anything. You are my sister."

"Yeah, but I helped the other team."

"I don't care." He shrugged. "Okay, I care a little, but that's in the past. I understand if you don't trust me right now, but please, just stay for a bit."

"F-fine." I hesitated. "But under one condition,"

"I'm listening."

"You have to help me train."


I spent at least a week at the compound and everyday,  Tony helped me train, how to control and use my powers properly. Of course he doesn't have these powers, so as we went on, it was a learning experience for the both of us. 

One day, after our most successful training session yet, I pulled Tony aside. 

"What's up?" He asked me. 

"I've been thinking, uh, you have helped me a lot this past week and I am so grateful and I've loved having this time with you but... I need to go." I explained.

"Go where?" 

"Back to my friends Alina and Mal. From the other Universe. I need to know that they are okay, and it's been weeks since I've seen them. When I left, we had been ambushed and I need to know if... if they made it out..alive." It pained me to say, or even think, that they might now be alive but I have hope that they still are.

"Okay." Tony nodded.

"Okay? Just like that?" 

"Yeah. Just like that." He responded. I've never seen him so understanding. 

"Thank you." I smiled, pulling him into a hug. 

"Of course. Just be safe and make sure your are able to come back next time." He smiled, pulling away. "Oh wait, before you go, about that necklace I gave you a while back?" 

"Uh yeah?" I said, putting my hand on my neck, to touch the necklace. But it wasn't there. "Where is it? Did I lose it? Oh my gosh!" I started to panic.

"No, no. Calm down, Little Stark. I upgraded it." Tony told me, taking the necklace out of his pocket and handing it to me. 

"Oh." I took it back, putting it back on. "What does it do now?"

"It's kind of like an amplifier for your powers. It will make it easier for you to control you powers and use them at will. It also has a vital tracker, so if you are ever in danger, I'll know." He explained. 

"Oh, thanks." I smiled. "Good idea."

"I know." Tony smirked, causing me to chuckle."Now go find your friends!" He told me before I stepped back. I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and teleporting back to my friends in another universe.

A.N: Sorry this chapter is short and kind of boring. I haven't felt super encouraged to write lately, but I knew I had to update for you guys! I am going to try my best to update the next chapter by tomorrow or today. So stay tuned, and stay safe! *virtual hugs*

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