7 (part 2)

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Last night was cold and it was hard to fall asleep. I suppose I dozed off eventually because when I woke up it was a new day. I got up out of the corner, I had fallen asleep in, and found Alina with a shirtless Mal. He had a wound in his shoulder, and I assumed he had one on his back that I couldn't see because Alina was tending to it.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I got shot the other day. I didn't take much care of the wounds so they reopened." Mal answered with a grunt.

"Sorry." Alina whispered to him. As I watched Alina tend to him, my eyes began to wander to his chest and over his torso. I guess I had been looking for a while because I eventually heard Mal try and stifle his laugh. I quickly averted my eyes and felt my cheeks begin to burn up. I quickly walked back to my corner out of embarrassment. Was I really just checking out Mal! Not on purpose at least! I can't deny that he is attractive but I couldn't catch feelings for him, I'm from a completely different universe! How would a relationship like that even work? You know what, I don't have to think about that! It's not gonna happen anyways. Do I even know how I really feel about Mal? We had hung out a lot when I was in the Little palace, but did I know him enough? I think so. I didn't even know if he felt the same way. Why am I even spending time thinking about this! It won't happen!

I was pulled away from my thoughts by Alina. "We are gonna get going."

"Where?" I asked.

"Fjerda. We are going to find the Stag."

Once we got everything together, we began our journey. It was long and annoying. We would occasionally have to stop so Mal could go back and cover our tracks just in case someone was trying to follow us. Once Mal came back, we would give him a small break before starting up again. We didn't talk much on our journey because if we did, we would lose time and it would slow us all down. I also preferred not to talk considering the embarrassing moment I had with Mal. I really hoped he wouldn't try and bring that up again.


It had taken us at least four days to get to Fjerda. As we walked through the snowy forest, it started to get darker and also got a lot colder. Since we left the Little Palace so quickly, I had no time to pack or prepare properly for the journey, so all I had was a thin jacket over my kefta. You would think the kefta would keep me warm, but mine was for the party and wasn't made for the cold, so I started to shiver.

"This seems familiar, doesn't it?" Mal suddenly said from behind me, causing me to jump a bit.


"Remember the first time you teleported to me, it was around here. You didn't have a coat?" He reminded me.

"Oh! Yeah." I laughed. "When you caught me crying." The situation was already awkward, and I think I made it worse.

"yeah... uh-" Mal trailed off "Here." He handed me a blanket. "I don't have another coat so I hope this is fine." I took the blanket, and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile.

"Course."He smiled back. He then turned to look forward. "Uh, Alina!" Mal called out, considering Alina was farther ahead of us. "I think we should stop here and make camp for tonight." Alina stopped where she was and nodded.

We didn't have much to make camp with but we managed. After we set everything up, Mal went to scout the area, and cover up our tracks, like usual. Alina came over, and sat down beside me.

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