5(Part 4)

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(A Week Later)

Madison's POV

I sat in my room with Genya, who was doing my hair and makeup, getting me ready for the Winter Fete. Naveah was just hanging out with us because she was done getting ready. Naveah talked about a new Kefta I was going to get for 'The Winter Fete'. It would still be my color of course, just a different material. The Fete was only hours away. Many respected Duke's, Soldier, and Colonel's would be there and expected to see the one and only Teleporter. (We still haven't found a cool name for me yet.) At the Fete, I would have to perform, just to show off my powers. I had gone over the routine with Genya a couple of times, so I was sure I had it down.

I had visited Mal a couple more times in the past few days. Only at night though, when he isn't tracking the Stag. I planned on visiting yesterday, but I totally forgot because Naveah distracted me with all her Little Palace gossip.

When a knock at the door interrupted Naveah, we stayed silent for a second before almost squealing at each other. It was my new Kefta. Naveah talking about it so much had gotten me far more excited than I thought I would be. Genya went to open the door, she took the Kefta from the servants with a small nod and closed the door behind her.

"It's here." Naveah smiled at me.

"Finally!" I smiled, walking up to her. I took the Kefta from her hands and unwrapped it from its packaging. I stepped behind my folding screen to change. Once I finished getting changed, I took a deep breath before stepping out from behind the folding screen.

"How do I look?" I asked, with a smile.

"You look wonderful." Naveah smiled at me.

"She's right. And It was-" Genya started.

"-All thanks to you, Genya." I finished her sentence.

"Yes." She smiled "Remember this is only your outfit for the performance. Afterwards you will be escorted to the fitting room to change to your Silk Kefta." Genus reminded me. "Now, let's go. I have to get Alina ready." Genya patted down her Kefta. 

A.N: Heyy! Sorry its been a while and this is short, but I just knew I needed to updated. I'm also sorry if this feels rushed. I am going to be editing the chapters. I hope all is well, stay safe <3

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