3 (Part 2)

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Everything else went by in a blur. I remember getting off the skiff with a few other survivors. I was a bit light headed because of my loss of blood, so the officers took me to the Medical tent. I sat on a cot, my eyes closed when I heard someone one else walk in. It was Mal. He was being guided by other soldiers. Mal's face was pale and his shirt was wet with blood. There were tears in his sleeves where the Volcra had grabbed him. They sat him down and left the tent.

"Are you okay?" I asked Mal. Suddenly I felt stupid for asking the question. I could clearly tell he wasn't in the best condition.

"I've felt better." He responded "Do you know where Alina is?"

"No. I haven't seen her since after the attack." I told him.

"You saw the light in there, right?" He suddenly asked.

"You mean the giant, blinding one?" I asked, sarcastically "Yeah. I saw it." I stayed silent for a moment. "What do you think it was?"

"It looked like it came from-"

"Malyen Oretsev." A man in all black came into the tent "The Darkling requests to see you."

"Why?" Mal asked.

"He wants witnesses from the Skiff." the man replied. Mal nodded. He started to sit up, but failed. Mal winced.

"He can't get up on his own." I told the soldier. He huffed, looking towards Mal.

"Were you on the skiff?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Help him then." I got up from my cot and hurried over towards Mal. He wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and I put my hand on his back to help support him. Once he was on his feet, We followed the soldier to a huge black tent and went inside. The inside was crowded and full. It was also noisy considering the amount of people that stood inside it. Alina stood in the middle of the room, a confused yet scared look on her face. I stared at the man in the front of the tent, standing by a table. He wore all black. He had quartz grey eyes, and Ink Black hair. He was quite handsome but there was a hint of violence in his eyes.

One of the guards cleared his throat before saying,"Moi Soverennyi." and the room went silent. The man in black stepped forward.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Mal.

"That's the Darkling." Mal whispered in return.

"What are you?" The Darkling turned to face Alina.

"What?" Alina said, the confused expression still on her face.

"What are you?" The Darkling repeated.

"A- Map maker, Sir." Alina replied and the room broke out into small bursts of laughter.

"Quiet." The Darkling stated and the room did as he commanded. He stood quietly for a moment. "Who actually saw what happened?" A beautiful girl in blue lifted her hand. "Zoya."

"We were attacked, only two markers in. Someone lit a lantern," Zoya looked across the room.

"And?" The Darkling pressed.

"The Volcra went after the Rifled men and our Inferni first. Then there was a searing light." Zoya finished.

"It was her." Another pointed at Alina.

"Our Mapmaker." The Darkling started. "Is this true? Can you Summon light?" Alina quickly shook her head. "Where did you grow up?"

"Keramzin." Alina told him.

"And when were you tested?" The Darkling asked. Alina stayed silent, as if she had to think about it.

"You don't remember?" The Darkling slowly began to walk towards her. "Well, Let us just make certain." The Darkling slipped a ring onto his thumb. The ring had a talon on the end of it.

"No. She's not Grisha." Mal whispered underneath his breath.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I know her better than anyone else." Mal explained, almost angrily.

"Lift up your sleeve." The Darkling told Alina.

"What's happening?" Alina asked him.

"Your sleeve," He said a bit harsher. "Please." Alina did as told and lifted the sleeve above her forearm. The Darkling grabbed a hold of her arm, never breaking eye contact with her, and lifted the sleeve up more, exposing more of her arm. The Darkling then used his ring, cutting Alina a bit. Light then bled from the cut, going upwards toward the roof of the tent. I followed the light with my eyes and watched as it went up. I looked at Mal who had an emotionless look on his face. I looked back toward Alina who looked just as starstruck as I did. The Darkling soon pulled away from her and the light vanished. 

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