This needs to be addressed

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I know most of you have read my book and have found many issues with it. With what I have wrote and what I have said. I must remind you I was 12-13 when I wrote this and I'm now currently turning 17 in just over 3 months.

I now have better understanding than what I did, with conditions and tablets and what they do, back then I didn't. So please take this into consideration the amount of times I've had to alter this book and correct myself.

I thought I'd address it, this book is purely for entertainment purposes and the amount of messages I have received over the past 2 to 3 years that I haven't opened purely for the fact people are judging how I wrote when I was a lot younger and a lot less educated about it.

Please stop judging my work in comments and messages on how I used to write.

I know my book has over 100k reads which is incredible I never thought it would get that much but I'm having to address this constant occurring issue.

I do have other works ready to be published but now even with me being a lot more educated I feel like I shouldn't post it as the current issue is going on.

These works are more high level in language and have more of a story line to follow and I'm also starting to work on a book from own ideas and starting it from scratch, no film inspiration, no characters to copy, my own work and yet I can't publish it because of this occurring issue.

Please keep in mind I was a lot younger when I wrote this book, I'm grateful for all the support I have been given but please keep this in mind, my inbox is open to answer any questions but please keep the hate to the minimum.

Jess x

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