I'm sorry Edward for everything I never knew I would die of protecting Bella

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This chapter is very emotional I was crying just writing it and please carry on the song all the way through the chapter. Its hard for them all now. Even Bella


Present day

We are getting ready for battle against the Newborn army. Yay. But little did I know it would be the end of the line for me. My last hour with my family. My last time with Jasper. I never thought of the way I would die. But I know for a fact that I won't see my family again. I'll never see Rosalie , Emmett, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Royal, Edward, Even Bella but I will miss Jasper. As soon as I go into that battlefield I am not coming out.I'll miss my family but I am going to be killed today. I'm sorry. So lets go back to last night when I said my final goodbyes to Edward Bella Seth and Jacob.

The night before

I see that vision and I know for sure it was going to happen. I was going to lose my family all for a stupid human.

" Lena come down here right now and say goodbye to Edward Bella Seth and Jacob" Alice yells. Then I hear her say something under her breath. "for the last time"

She saw it. We made sure that we both kept our minds shut from Edward. I walk downstairs slowly forcing back the tears. I'm going to say goodbye to Edward and Bella Seth and Jacob for the last time ever. I take a deep breath and I pull myself together. I shake Jacobs hand.

"Keep her safe for me" I say. He nods. I go to Seth next.

"don't be annoying or rude" I instruct him. He nods. I walk to Edward. I pull him into a bone crushing hug.

" ill fight for her for you Edward whatever it takes ill always be here ill always protect her forever" I say in his ear. He nods."i love you big bro"

" love you to sis" he says. I smile now forcing back tears. Knowing that everyone here cares for me makes leaving them saying goodbye ten times harder. I go to Bella.

" I need to tell you something in private" I say pulling Bella into the garage and into the forest.

"what is it" she says.

" Bella we are not gonna see each other again, I'm not gonna see you Seth Jacob Edward ever again Bella once I go onto that battlefield I'm not coming out" I say.

"what does anyone else know" she asks

"only Alice Bella can you promise me two things" I ask. She nods.

"firstly nobody can know about this conversation until I'm dead and you must act shocked" I say she nods" and secondly Bella try and look after everyone for me please" she nods again." and ill promise you two things in return ill always fight for you Bella forever ill never sit and watch you die and secondly I promise ill never let anything happen to Edward."

" Lena ill miss you like hell" she says hugging me.

"same Bella your never alone I promise" I say hugging back. We walk back into the kitchen. Bella walks over to Edward and they all walk into the garage. The rest of the family go into the garage behind them. I follow.

We are all saying are final goodbyes. I hug Edward then Seth then Jacob then I go over to Bella.

"goodbye Isabella Swan" I say holding out my hand." for the last time"

"goodbye Aleana Buxton" she says shaking my hand. I go to the drivers side where Edward is.

"take care of her Edward Cullen ill always be here" I say.

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