Volturi pt 2

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I'm flying to my old home. I got changed half way cause I stank of mutt.

We arrive at the Volturi just in time. I fly into Edward and Alice chucks him a robe. I transform into my human self. Bella starts to kiss Edward ew.

"well isn't this romantic" a familiar musical voice echoes.

"jane?"I say.

"Aleana" she says" Aro sent me to see what is taking so long"

We follow her down five flights of stairs up three than through a big set of doors.

"sister they send you out to fetch one vampire and you come back with two and a half such a clever girl" Alec's sympathetic voice sounds.

"again what does that make me the next door neighbour" I snap stepping from behind Edward.

"oh um hi Aleana" he says.

"oh how wonderful Bella is alive after all I do love happy endings they are so rare." Aro says

Aro holds out his hand to read Bella's memories. He sees nothing.

" lets see if she's sheltered to all our powers shall we jane"

" no " I shout and jumps in front of Bella.

It feels like my soul is being ripped out. It feels like everything is gonna burn to death . I scream.

"sister stop" Alec says. She stops and I fall down venom in my eyes. Alice runs to my side. She puts an arm around me and I lean on her to help me stand. I'm gripping my side.

"argh" say fighting the pain. We reach Bella and Edward.

"you both owe her for that" Alice says.

They both nod. Edward replaces Alice as she walks to Aro to make a deal with him. I put my head on his chest.

"Thank you for saving Bella more than once" Edward says. I nod.

"Owww" I say as my side starts to hurt again. My legs give in.

"woah Aleana!" Edward says grabbing my arm.

"I...I'm fine" I say standing up.

"no your not your hurt we are taking the plane back to forks" Alice says walking back over to us.

"I'm fine ok" I snap standing as straight as I could.

After a few minutes of arguing I give in.

" fine" I snap and start walking.

"I'm so sorry Aleana " jane shouts. I just nod and carry on walking.

When we reach the airport I collapse into Alice.

"Owww Alice make it stop" I cry.

" shh its ok we will get you home it'll be ok" she says.

"no it won't" I start realising that tears are falling down my face. I feel a vibration in my pocket.

My phone is ringing. I look at the ID. Its Jasper.

"Hello?" I croak as I answer.

"Hello darling you ok?" he says.

"I'm.... fine" I say" owwww"

"Aleana are you OK Dont Lie" He says

"she got hit by Jane Jasper." Alice says. My side clicks again I scream.

"hey hey its okay Aleana.....NO!" she says as I pass ou

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