Seeing Isabella

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"She's done what" Edward shouts.
"Edward calm down" I say.
"Calm down Calm down Bella has just jumped off a cliff and you want me to calm down" he grabs me by the neck and throws me against the wall. I hit the wall and I struggle to stand back up. He grabs my neck and pins me against the wall.
"What the hell Edward" I yell.
The next thing I knew Jasper had Edward by his neck against the wall and I was trying to stand but I couldn't.
"Oww" I say clutching my side as I use the wall for support. Jasper looks at me and drops Edward. He comes to me protectively.
Carlisle tries to come to me but Jasper wouldn't let him
"Jasper none of us are gonna hurt her I promise" Carlisle says
I gasp. The pain is getting worse.
"Ja...Jasper" I breathe and I fall down.
"Jasper she's getting worse let us to her" Edward says. I'm breathing heavily.
"Jass please" I gasp again
He looks me in the eye then stands aside.
As Edward walks towards me Jasper grabs the back of his neck and pulls Edward outside.
Jasper's POV.
Once I'd stepped aside Carlisle went to Aleana's side. Edward tried to step closer. Nope. I grabbed the back of his neck and dragged him outside.
"Jasper what the hell" he says rubbing the back of his neck.
"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER YOU FOUL EVIL HALF BREADED COLD HEARTED VAMPIRE" I roar. My major has come out. It's too dangerous for Edward now.
Aleana's POV
Carlisle had finished healing me. I ran straight outside and grabbed Jaspers arms before he could lunge at Edward.
"Jass Jass its Aleana calm down shh its ok I'm ok" I say holding him back. Emmett takes Jaspers arms from me and I step in front of Jasper.
I put my hand on his face and stroke under his eyes
"Its ok Jasper its ok" I say. His eyes lock onto mine.
He stops fighting Emmett. I rest my for head on his chest breathing heavily.
"Phew" I say. Jasper lifts my chin slowly.
"I'm so sorry" he says.
"Don't be" I say.
"Aleana me and you are going to see if Bella is alive" Alice says. I nod.
"Dont be gone long" Jasper says.
"I won't be Jass" I say" I love you"

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