Volturi pt1

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We arrive in forks and the familiar smell of wolf fills my nostrils. Great. I see Isabella's old red truck park at her house. Me and Alice drive in Carlisle's Mercedes behind them.

"Alice?" Bella asks as she steps out of the car. Alice gets out. I step out behind her.

"Alice!" Bella squeals" is anyone else of the family here"

I glare at her.

"what does that make ma a next door neighbour" I snarl.

"oh hi Aleana " she says smiling.

A rather tanned black haired boy around sixteen steps out from behind her.

"um Jacob this is Aleana " Bella says. Jacob nods and holds out his hand. I take it.

"pleased to meet you mutt" I say.

Bella shows us inside.

"so would you like to tell me how you survived" I say.

"I was cliff diving and the sea took control so Jacob saved me and.." she was cut off when the phone rang.

"swan residence" Jacob says answering the phone" no he's at a funeral..... ok bye"

"who was that" Bella asks.

"Carlisle he wanted to talk to Charlie but I told him that he was at a funeral" Jacob says.

Alice gasps as she was sucked into another vision.

"he's gone and done it hasn't he" I say.

She nods. I suddenly change into a Griffin. Jacob jumps back.

"Edward has gone to the Volturi it was him on the phone he thinks your dead Bella" Alice explains to her.

Alice and Bella get on my back. We are going to the Volturi to stop him.


Sorry this one is short guys but the next one will be longer I promise

Follow me on Instagram JAOJ_2004

Luv ya all

Evelyn Stanton

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