Why does everything always happen to me

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"Stay away from me you evil two faced wore" I said watching a brown haired guy walking towards me with a gun.

"oh no I shall not sweetie I killed your little friends now all I'm asking you to do is hand it over hand over the check and we will be on our way" he says smiling." but if you don't you will always remember the name 'Conrad Reid' cause it'll be engraved on your grave"

I close my eyes begging for him to pull the trigger if he was gonna pull it already. My platinum blonde hair, my old hair colour, layers falling over my face. I want it over with already.

Mixed flashback

"Isabella think about this for a moment" I say holding my arms up.

"no" she says pulling the trigger. Conrad pulls the trigger. Bang. Bang. Bang... Bang.... Bang

"Miss Miss can you hear me what is your name" someone asks.

"Aleana!!" Jasper shouts. I feel blood pouring from my chest. I see Jasper's worried face reluctantly biting me.

"stay with me stay" millions of voices say inside my head. Over and over and over.

End of mixed flashbacks

End of flashbacks

I start to scream. I feel someone shaking me.

"Lena....LENA!" Alice's voice echoes down my ear. I come back to reality shaken scared terrified alone shocked.

I feel a cold arm wrapping around my waist. I gasp for air. I see Esme clinging to Carlisle, Emmett soothing Rosalie, Jasper sat next to me, Alice sat in front of me, Royal next to Alice and Edward looking like he literally saw everything. He reads minds stupid.

"did you.." I ask Edward. He nods. "so you know the truth then" he nods again.

I zone out thinking about the night I got attacked out in Olympia. My friends killed murdered. K want to kill that man so much. Too much. I stand up and race to me room. I lock my window and put the bind down and I locked the door and I sat on my floor lost in thought.

Time skip, two months later

Jasper's POV

Ok so we are all going back to school again today since we left a year ago now. Lena still hasn't come out of her room. For two months she has been in there. She hasn't been hunting for ages. Edward still won't tell me what he saw and Alice is being very secretive.

"that's it I've had enough" Emmett says slamming his book down and speeding upstairs.

Lena's POV

Ok so I am still deep in thought about the day I was attacked and the day I was murdered. I can see Bella's face with that gun. I start to lose my eye sight. It all goes fuzzy and dizzy. My knees give in. I start to let tears run down my face. Then I hear banging on the door.

"Lena..Lena open the door please" it was Emmett. I took a deep breath in and out to pull myself together then unlocked the door. It swung open reviling Emmett relentlessly annoyed. I walk back to my window and unlock it and I lift the blinds up.

"What's up Em?" I ask.

" What's up Em Whats up Em you've been in this room not hunted or anything for two months and all you have to say is What's up Em" he says.

"Well I'm sorry if something upset me and I wasn't ready for anyone to know" I snap

"Edward knows"

"I know he knows but he wasn't meant to know" I take another deep breath " I never had the same upbringing as you .... it was around four years ago my friends and I were in Olympia just coming home actually and a man came from behind us with a gun and..." I start to shake.

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to Lena" Emmett says.

"but I want to" I take deep breaths and I pull myself together " he shot my friends in the heart and then he shot me all because I didn't give him this" I go over to my drawer and take out a $1,000,000 check from it and hand it to Emmett. I lift up my jumper to show a shot like scar.

"oh my god and your friends?" he asks

"they didn't make it" I say tears in my eyes. He stands there shocked. Then he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I'm sucked into a vision. Victoria

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