Baseball p2

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"You brought a snack" James says

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"You brought a snack" James says.
All of the Cullen's crouch at Isabella's safety. I let myself turn into a hippogriff. I stand in front of everyone. Nobody can go near me without bowing. Victoria slowly steps forward lowering her head bowing at me. I sense her evilness. I step In front of her flapping my majestic wings at her. I'm on my back legs at her.
"Aleana no" Jasper shouts. I turn around and he bows stepping closer to me. I lower my head and bow back at him. He walks to me anf strokes my head.
"I can see the game is over lets go come on James" Laurent says pulling James away.
"Can I ride you home" jasper asks. I nod my feathery head. He gets on my back.
"Emmett put the bike in the back of the jeep" Jasper says. I take off. I saw through the clouds as  I reach the Cullen's resident. I land and change back to normal. I walk into the garage.
"Aleana and Jasper will take her south with Alice and Royal. The rest of us will distract the tracker" Carlisle says. Just then cold hands got me from behind.
"Jasper" I breath before my head was nocked and I was unconscious.

I wake in a room full of mirrors. I stand up and turn into a hippogriff yet again and I fly to the top of the roof. I see Isabella run in.
"ALEANA!!!!" She screams as James throws her into the mirror. I sore down and grab James by the neck. He pours something on my first two legs. They start to burn. I collapse losing my sight. Then he pours the same substance on my back legs. I lose NY sight completely.
Jasper's POV
I storm into the ballet studio after Alice saw Aleana in here and the first thing I see is Aleana transforming fr a hippogriff into her normal self again. Oh my god she is unconscious. James pours a liquid on her as she withered in pain.
"Get away from her" I scream and run at him.
I see Edward getting Bella and running at James. I rush to Aleana.
"Aleana what's wrong what did he do to you" I ask. I can see venom in her eyes. That's it.  Last straw. I race at James. I grab him by the neck and throw him to the mirror and I take Aleana home.

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