Aleana Buxton

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I never took much thought in how I would die, then again I never took much thought into anything, how I lived how I breathed how I did anything, my mind is its own little palace and honestly it lives and breathes its own thoughts.

I never thought how I would go would be how I would go, never thought the life I once loved would be taken in such a cruel way but here we stand. I guess this is my story, you see I know I'm gonna die, I know this is gonna be the last you hear from me from tonight onwards but I want my story heard, that being said it might change Alice's visions are never fully certain.

But if it doesn't please read and understand my story, my life, but let's start back as far as I can remember with the Cullens which isn't very far can I add but come understand why I did what I did. Even if it was to protect Bella

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