school Again

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Well finally im aloud to go to school

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Well finally im aloud to go to school. Carlisle rang up school and said that Rosalie and Jasper have to be in the same classes as me just in case I flip and that Isabella is not aloud near me. Jasper brought me a motorbike home. I was literally excited. I nearly broke my piano and Jasper.

I put my helmet on and head outside

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I put my helmet on and head outside. I follow Jasper's BMW down the street to school. I pull in and I see Kathleen run to me.
"Aleana since when did you have a motorbike." She says.
"Since Jasper brought me one" I snarl and walk off. I walk into English literature and sit at the back. Rosalie sits beside me and notices my hand turning red and scaly
"Aleana your turning into Medusa" she says. I look at my hand and I calm down.
"Sorry" I mutter and I put my head on the table.
The rest of the lesson was me forcing myself to stay calm. I needed to play the piano. It keeps me calm. I have Music next so I play it then. I picked my books up and I reached the door as the bell rang. Jasper walks with me and our hands meet. Our fingers link as we walk to music.
"I was forcing myself calm Jasper," I say frustrated. A wave of calmness sets over me.
"Thanks Jazz" I whisper.
"Your welcome darlin'" he says. We arrive in music and miss daykin signals us to sit down.
"Right class today you will be working in groups of five you have a minute to organize your groups go" she says.
Me Jasper Rosalie and Emmett stand together as miss daykin walks to us.
"This is Carolina she'll be working with you" she says pointing to a girl next to her.

"This is Carolina she'll be working with you" she says pointing to a girl next to her

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Wow. I can't work with humans yet. I stiffen. Jasper puts a soothing arm around my shoulders as the teacher walks away.
"Ok right so Carolina what instrument do you play cause I play the violin Emmett plays the drums Jasper plays the bass guitar and Aleana plays piano" Rosalie says pointing to everyone as she says our names.
"I play the flute" she says smiling. I roll my eyes.
"Why don't we all demonstrate what we can do," Emmett suggested. We all nod and we go to our practice room which had all our instruments in. Emmett goes first. Then Rosalie. Then Jasper and then Carolina.
"Ok now Aleana" Rosalie says. I nod as I flick through my music book and I find the song I want.

After I finish the song Carolina sits there shocked
"Wow your good Aleana" she says."ouch" she sliced her finger on her flute case. I stiffen again. My eyes turn a dangerous shade of black.
"Aleana come on let's go to lunch" Rosalie says. I grab my book and storm down to the hall. I barge by Edward, Alice and Royal. They all follow. Once I'm in the carpark I run at vampire speed into the woods. When I look back I see the whole family looking back at me. I carry on running. Once I'm safely out of human eyes I transform into my Griffin. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Jasper and Rosalie. I walk over to them and they stroke my brown feathers.

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