Hi Jasper

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It opens

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It opens.
"Aleana" Esme squeals and hugs me.
"Hi Esme" I say pulling away from her.
"Your room is straight upstairs first door on your right go and change and I'll drop you off at school." She says and walks off. I race upstairs and find my bedroom easily. Wow
My  bedroom area 1

 WowMy  bedroom area 1

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My bedroom area 2

My bedroom area 2

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Wow. I get changed and I look around
Jasper's bedroom

 I get changed and I look aroundJasper's bedroom

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Rosalie's bedroom

Rosalie's bedroom

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Emmett's bedroom

Emmett's bedroom

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Alice's bedroom

Alice's bedroom

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Edwards room

"Aleana come on" Esme shouts

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"Aleana come on" Esme shouts. She drives be to the school.
I get out and walk over to the school and I see Jasper sit down in the cafeteria. I smile and walk into the reception.
" Hi I'm new here Aleana Cullen" I say. The receptionist nods and hands me my schedule and I walk to lunch. I take a deep breath and walk in. Alice and Rosalie look at me like they were gonna say something but I signal them to be quiet. They nod and look out the window. I walk around the hall and past there table. I stand about ten feet behind Emmett.
I slowly walk over to them.
"Special delivery for Jasper Hale and the Cullen family" I say standing right behind Emmett and Jasper. All the family look at me turning there heads except Jasper.
"Jass a special delivery for you"Emmett says
" if it's not Aleana I dont want it" he mumbles.
"Look behind you Jass" Alice says. He turns around and our eyes lock. He gets out of his seat and walks over to me.
"Jass I'm so sorry I.." I was cut off by Jasper smashing his lips against mine. Our lips move in sink. There's a sound of applause. We part and he whispers in my ear
"It doesn't matter what matters now is your here and that's all I care about"he says.

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