birthday disaster

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I slip on my medieval dress for Isabella's birthday

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I slip on my medieval dress for Isabella's birthday. I love this dress. Its important to me. I finish tieing the ribbon and walk downstairs. Everyone is sat down there waiting for me and Isabella. I sit on the couch and see Isabella walk downstairs.
"Ok present time" Alice states.
"This one Alice picked" Rosalie says. She opens the present to find a beautiful sapphire necklace.
"You've been looking rather pale lately" Esme says handing Isabella a box. She starts opening it then she slices her finger on it. Jasper's eyes turn a dangerous shade of black.  Edward pushes Isabella to the piano and her scent gets stronger. I sneak over to her while there dealing with Jasper.
"Aleana dont" Jasper says as I start to suck Isabella's blood. Carlisle grabs me and I realize what I've done. I run outside and head for Voltretta. I'm going to the Voltori.

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