The Cullens

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Waking up on the first morning was a little different, I remember meeting Rosalie the night before in the mall, I don't know what she was doing there that late at night but I'd just moved over here to live with my mother after my father was arrested to any new friends were welcome.

She was nice her hair perfect and her voice soft, her face was hard when she first saw me in the mall but it was like her whole body softened when she saw me almost like in a movie she sat for hours and spoke to me before driving me home. She was so kind. So thoughtful and told me when I came to school that I'll always have a friend in her. It was nice, almost too nice.

My mother had recently brought me the new BMW as an apology for not being around all those years with my father, it was a little bit expensive of a present but I accepted it gratefully even though you can't buy your way from years of trauma and being alone with him but she was trying Atleast and that's what I appreciated about her. She actually tried.

Pulling up to school that morning however literally sent me into a wave of anxiety, like my whole body was melting and my heart was in my ears the whole drive there, now I've always been quite confident, some might even say abrasive but that morning I turned into a lost soul terrified to get out of her car.

Once parked I saw Rosalie's car her standing with a bunch of other people around her age and I looked in my rear view mirror taking a deep breath, little did I know there and then my whole life was about to change, it felt different you know, strange I'd never been one for fear of people but something struck me that day. For some reason however I knew there and then I couldn't back out now.

"Aleana" Rosalie squealed my name as I stepped out of my car and I take a deep breath and smile back at her my heart in my ears but she runs to me her face hair nothing changed from the night before apart from her clothes god to be that perfect must be a dream.

"Rosalie" I mimicked her and run to her putting on the facade I had been using for years and hug her, her body cold as ever almost like she was dead but as always I brushed it off.

"come and meet my family" she says pulling me to her porche the words lingering in my ears meeting new people already never scared me as much as it did there, my gut said to turn and run and honestly if it wasn't for her grip I probably would have but alas she was stronger than me so I followed using my free arm to put my keys in my bag.

"these are my adopted brothers and sister" she said as we approached them I hide my shyness and turned the facade back on before smiling shaking there hands.

"Hi I'm Alice" the pixie haircut girl spoke up first holding onto the guy next to her smiling "and this is Royal". Royal doesn't say a word he just stands there glaring, it kind of made me uncomfortable like I wasn't welcomed but Alice playfully smacked his arm and he gave me a fake smile nodding at me.

The guy leaning on his Volvo then spoke up, his voice cold and calculated as if trying to figure me out "I'm Edward " he held out his hand and I took it his hands as cold as Rosalie's his grip just as firm " and this is Jasper" he pointed to the dark blond haired boy that looks like he is in pain, back then I didn't think anything of it I just gave him a reassuring smile before Rosalie spoke up again.

"and this is Emmett" Rosalie says pointing to a rather muscular boy. Emmett smiles and pulled me into a bear hug his body too as cold as the others. He lets go and speaks up
"I'm so glad rose finally made a friend" I laughed before the school bell rang and Rosalie handed me a piece of paper with all my lessons written on it all of them with her which at the time I didn't find unusual come to think of it I didn't find anything unusual.

That first walk into the school was the hardest walk I ever faced in my life, everyone staring everyone muttering, little did I know back then that it was because I was with the Cullens, like I said I didn't know much back then as I do now.

The lessons of the first half flew by rather quickly I recall, Rosalie and Emmett in most of them but Jasper in US History due to him apparently being too smart for the junior class. When lunch finally rolled around I walked in with him, it was like he changed he was more comfortable than he was earlier in the morning and I felt a lot more comfortable around him, more calm, I didn't in any other class.

We walked over to the table where the others were sat and Jasper just stared at me for a second, I wondered why at that point and he didn't leave me wondering for very long before he piped up.
" you not getting food?" Jasper asked and I shook my head. To be honest I wasn't hungry but he looked at me concerned in a way and he leant over before speaking again.
"Darlin your skin and bone are you sure you don't want to grab something I can come over with you if you like if you feel like everyone's going to stare at you" I shook my head again and he stared at Edward for a second but then left it not pushing it any further.

Rosalie stared at me for a second before piping up smiling at me "nice tattoo I've never noticed it before" I looked down and noticed she was on about the tattoo on my arm and I smiled at her. It was not complex just a date in Roman numerals.
"Thank you" I smiled at her and got up from my seat I felt a little warm and headed outside for a bit of fresh air Jasper followed me to keep me company and I walked to my car with him.

After moments of silence he finally spoke up again "your car is nice you know the new BMW very expensive" I stared at him and smiled "yeah well my mother bought it me as a coming home present I suppose I told her not to be so stupid but alas she didn't want to hear it" I start laughing and he laughs back the moment so pure.

The sound of tyres squealing ruined that moment however before I noticed though it was too late, I was frozen in shock Jasper infront of me shielding me from the metal impact that took place, I felt my leg snap and Jasper held me up the dent in the front of my car and the car that hit us massive glass shattered everywhere and he looked at me fear across his face.

"Jasper....?" I said my body in shock from the pain in my leg, my head warm and as I touched it I felt something sharp engraved. It was only then my body felt like jelly and Jasper lowered me down and I saw Rosalie run out the others not far behind her.

"Aleana stay with me ok just stay with me" Jasper said "focus on me don't go to sleep don't close your eyes it's fine it's just a scratch okay your fine I promise you your fine"

"Omg call 911" someone shouted Emmett and Edward pushing through the crowd Alice not far behind on the phone to someone, everything felt like such a blur.

"I have Carlisle on the phone Jasper are you okay" Alice spoke softly looking down at me and turned to Edward "royals not good with blood he will go funny take him home" Edward nodded before taking Royal away from the scene, I felt myself loosing focus so I looked back up at Jasper

" Jasper...?" I said again trying my hardest to keep my eyes open. His mouth starts moving and he started tapping my face but no words came out all I could hear was static and darkness filled my vision. I could no longer feel his tapping no more pain no more noise just darkness.

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