My new ability

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I walk downstairs with this weird sensation in my mind. I walk into the kitchen where Alice and Rosalie are. This electricity runs down my spine. I reach for the side and grip onto it tight. My eyes go dead sore. I gasp as I'm sucked into a vision.

They are gonna find out. Alice and Rosalie in the kitchen realising what you are.

I gasp as I come back into realty closing and opening my eyes slowly.

Alice looks right at me seeing that I'm leaning against the wall she speeds to me.

"did you just have a...." she asks.

I nod rubbing my eyes.

"A what Alice" Rosalie snaps.

"she just had a vision" she replies.

"WHAT ALICE OUR LENA JUST HAD A FRICKEN VISION HOW WHY WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" Rosalie roars grabbing Alice by the scuff of her neck holding her up high.

"Rose St..stop please" I mutter as my vision comes clearer.

Soon the whole family are in the kitchen gobsmacked. I had had enough.

"that's enough both of you" I say pulling Rosalie off of Alice causing her to get thrown to the wall. That sends Emmett mental. He throws himself at me. I throw him to the wall. Edward and Royal defend there brother by throwing themselves at me. I throw them both over the kitchen side and into the cooker. They all run at me. Jasper runs at my defence grabbing Edward and Emmett by the neck and pushing them to the window. Alice grabs Rosalie and Royal by the hair and pushing them towards the stairs.

Carlisle and Esme stand by my side

"What was that all about" Esme snaps.

"Lena... she threw Rosalie into the wall so I flipped and Edward and Royal defended me" Emmett says.

"that was an accident I never mint to throw Rosalie into the wall" I roar stepping closer to them. I was fuming.

Esme and Carlisle grab my arms as I go to lunge. I fight them trying to break free.

" let me go" I roar at them fighting there strength

"no" Esme says tightening her grip. I scream fighting there strength. My eyes turn green.

"um Carlisle look at her eyes" Esme says letting me go.

Carlisle lets me go backing away. Everyone is backing away from me apart from Jasper.

"Jazz are you crazy step back" Rosalie yells

"she won't hurt me" he says. He is right id never hurt him. I change into a jaguar.

"incredible she is a copy cat and every time she gets a new ability she has a new animal to transform into" Carlisle says. I change back to normal. Jasper comes over to me caressing under my eyes with his fingers and he kisses me softly but passionately. Our lips move in sink and millions of sparks run through me

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