Baseball p1

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I am getting ready to play baseball game with the rest of the Cullen's

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I am getting ready to play baseball game with the rest of the Cullen's. Carlisle has said that I'm not allowed to use my power which is so unfair. I tie my heels and walk downstairs.
"Ready" Carlisle asks. I nod and grab my helmet.
"Babe can I  come with you" Jasper asks. I nod
"As long as you have a helmet Jasper" Esme says. He laughs and runs upstairs. He comes back down with a black helmet. I walk down to the garage and get on my motorbike. Jasper sits behind me.
"Hold on Jazz" I say and he grabs my waist. I set off riding 20mph over the speed limit. I laugh going faster and faster. Jasper starts laughing. We pull up beside our baseball field. I jump off my bike and Jasper follows.
"Wow now I see why you love that so much" he says laughing. I laugh with him. Emmett's jeep pulls up followed by Royals land rover.
"Took your time" I say as the family jump out. Then I see Isabella.
"What is she doing here" I snarl.
"Aleana its fine ok" Emmett says. Out of all of my adoptive brothers Emmett has to be my favourite. I glare at her then I turn and get ready. I'm first to bat.
"Bella its good your here we need an umpire." Esme says.
"She thinks we cheat" Emmett says walking past
"I know you cheat" she snaps at him. I smile as Alice takes her spot at the center. Thunder cracks
"Its time" she says. Everyone takes there spots. Alice bowls me the ball. I hit it then everything goes in slow motion. My hair swirls around my face and I run. I run like mg life depended on it. I glide past the third post and I'm about to reach the fourth when I end up doing a back flip to the fourth. I stand there tapping my foot waiting for them to get the ball. When Edward finally came into view he looked at me shocked.
"Finally" I say and walk to stand next to Jasper. He kisses my lips softly
"You were amazing" he says.
"I know" I say as Rosalie fails.
"Your up babe don't lose please"I say pushing him lightly. Alice bowls the ball. Jasper hits it and runs. When he gets to the second post Alice gasps.
"Stop" she says. We all run to her.
"You told us they left the country" I snap
"They did then they heard us and changed there mind" she says defending herself. Ugh. Great
"Put your hair down" Edward says.
"Like that'll work I can smell her from across the field" Rosalie snaps.
"Here" I say throwing her my scarf and hoodie"put them on it'll cover up your scent more".
Edward looks at me thankinly. Then they arrive. I stand beside Carlisle and Jasper at the front. There are three of them. Two guys and one girl.
"I believe this is yours" the darker skinned one says throwing the ball back to Carlisle.
"Thank you" he says
"My name is Laurent" the darker skinned one says "and this is Victoria and James"
"My name is Carlisle and this is my family, Esme Rosalie, Emmett ,Edward, Bella, Alice, Royal, Jasper and Aleana." Carlisle states"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused a disruption  on ours"
"We are sorry we didn't realise that this territory was taken"Laurent says.
" yes we own a residence nearby". Carlisle says throwing me the ball.
"Dont suppose you have room for three more players just for one small game"
"Sure some of us were just leaving" Carlisle says pointing at Edward Esme and Isabella. Just then a gust of wind sent Isabella's scent racing towards us
"You brought a snack" James says.

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